What A Way To Spend My Birthday...
Then again the weather is cold and dull. If I went out its too late in the day and it would just be a trip to the shops. So all I have done is sleep the day away.

I may pop out to buy some fruit later and though I rarely do so I may buy a lucky dip in the Euromillions draw. There is a big roll over and wouldn't it be nice if I was lucky on my Birthday?

However, as I may have said earlier I do have some planned outings depending on my health and the weather...
This Sunday I hope to see a local Brass Band in concert in the grounds of the Durham Light Infantry Museum in...Durham(naturally)
I have plans to visit the Durham(Gay)Pride event in Durham next week(though I am straight)don't know what to expect...nor how successful it will be.
There is a charity show a few days later in Durham hosted by a local comedian Bobby Pattinson...a legend in the North East of England. I only have vague memories of occasional appearances on local tv shows as I grew up and he probably was better known for appearing in the local club scene around Newcastle.
A quick internet search suggests that he is actually 79 years old. Another stalwart of the showbiz world. And at least I can say I have seen him perform on stage.
In approx a fortnight we(I was originally going alone)but I hope to visit a steam railway and on the same day there is a vintage vehicle rally so hopefully images and some video will follow.
Some other unexpected events have come to light so all being well there are some nice events ahead, some happening in July. I do hope once again to attend the Durham Miners Gala event and though some of the vintage car rallys are difficult to get to without your own transport, there is one that finishes in the grounds of Durham Cathedral and another takes a route that looks as though it comes near my own town. So we won't have to go off the town.
Update:I'm not being charged for the broken glass door and they are going to bring the replacement door which was due to happen later in the year forward so it could be happening quite quickly.

As for the kitchen I have decided to not have an extra storage unit in the kitchen and move the fridge freezer into the space that will exist where the gas boiler is at present, if I can move the tumble drier into the outhouse that will give me my dining room back(not that it gets used anymore)
Yes I have a ticket for the Euromillions(I can dream)nothing special on my wishlist other than what many would do. Buy and do up my home and if I had enough have a few holidays/see a few more concerts, give a little to friends and charity.
Purchased some fruit. If I haven't said already on another post the luggage I purchased approx 3-4 weeks ago has now been reduced by £5.50.
Not much energy today so have stuck to beef sandwiches which are easy and fruit. One of those days where my thermostat is not working correctly(by that I mean my internal body one)and I came home from my short shopping trip drenched. Can't say its boiling hot outside, I'd guess its around 62c/34f. If I know I am not coming home I often consider taking a change of clothes with me.