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Monday, May 05, 2014

Another Weekend Has Passed...

So its Bank Holiday Monday...doesn't make a lot of difference for many I suspect. Without transport many will at best see many pottering around at home or visiting shopping centres. At a time when some people are given a day away from work and time is spend with family many can't go far because public transport runs a reduced service. If anything a decent schedule is needed on such a day so you can perhaps make memories by visiting a place of interest, the countryside, the seaside etc...

So I was going to have a lie in...listen to some programmes on the radio that are a bit different than normal which often happens in the UK but I find myself committed/invited to be playing a light game of bingo again in the afternoon and then having tea with the person whose birthday it is. So I suppose its a bit different.

I'm very tired so am catching up on my rest...

Here's a video of my short train spotting excursion yesterday with the Union Of South Africa Locomotive. Also a still image. I say on the video its Ferryhill Junction but it is Ferryhill Station where it was calling in for a water stop.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good Morning - the bus company that runs past our part of town do not run at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays, leaving so many people at a loss for days out. It must be very lonely for some of the elderly people who are frequent users of the service. I must admit it had never really crossed my mind until I read your post this morning. I am guilty of having a car and pleasing myself, but this has been thought provoking.

Loved the locomotive video - many years ago I worked for a publishing house who owned the Oxford Publishing Company, such wonderful publications about the great years of steam and everything else to do with trains. I remember a book which was a kind of treasure map to find an actual golden locomotive in miniature, it was very exciting when it was published and all of the hype in the transport press. I must have a search on the internet for the outcome of that one.

The weather here is sunny but quite breezy. We are getting on well with the shed, so finishing that off today. Much more work from my Husband than me though, painting just seems so boring and I can't hide my displeasure with doing it!

Have a lovely Monday. Lorna x

5 May 2014 at 10:36  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

So interesting Lorna...I ended up...playing bingo in the afternoon. Prizes very low, more social than anything but won approx. 4 houses(one shared)missed a line, won a small raffle
prize. Came home with approx £12 without sharing/missing a win that could have been £16. If you allow that I spent approx £4 I am £8 better off. Haven't won for a few months so it was quite nice. x

6 May 2014 at 02:26  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well done on your win. That must be a good feeling?

Lorna x

6 May 2014 at 17:03  
Anonymous r m said...

thanks for train video.
I make various attempts to comment but get foiled by your moderation.
I can only assume that old age makes me incompetent.

7 May 2014 at 14:54  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

We'll see if I am on a roll Lorna.

Hi RM you got through this time :-) You're not being ignored. Thanks for staying with me.

I'm determined to get the other video online. The train is much faster as it passes by. I would have followed it into the distance but others are videoing and get in the shot.

The local place featured in the video that has been posted,it is a pity that the water stops are behind a signal box and it depends who is on duty how close you are allowed to see the train. Also some leave the gates closed so you have to shoot between bars.

Also there is a bridge and the supports temporarily block the view.

7 May 2014 at 21:00  

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