More About The First Official Darlington Food Festival...
Yesterday was spent at a new food event in Darlington but by then and after it being on over the weekend many stalls were empty or had left. A good sign I guess of success and a learning curve for both organisers and customers alike. I will, all being well attend next year.
Some great street entertainers were there to make the afternoon, if I had not been distracted by finding some people I know interrupting me when trying to take images I would have had the chance to get some better ones and of the event. I missed seeing some of what was going on and also the chance to talk with some of the performers too.
It was good to see Jean and Morag again(I last saw them in Saltburn)They have a blog and facebook and do so much more than I have witnessed to date.

I would've liked to see more of Birdie(the 8ft Irish Tea Lady)walking on stilts on a variety of levels and types of pavement and isn't easy so to dance is even more exceptional.

We were then entertained by two members of Granny Turismo(they have a website and are on facebook who were highly original and fun. Riding what look like large shopping trolleys, that play music, have sound effects and who perform a comedy and dance routine. All are appearing at various festivals and events across the UK and Europe so do watch out for them.

There are reasons for the layout of this post being slightly different as I cheated, taking it from another service on the internet for speed but jt saved having to write it all again...
Video of some of the event
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