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Monday, May 26, 2014

I'm Tired But...

rested and the day has been quite pleasant. The weather was kind. I went to a food event in Darlington but though it appears to have been a success, there really was very little left for today for the Bank Holiday. Few if any stalls and the few remaining were selling bread and that was about it. Some stalls were empty.

However, we(I was with someone else)did see a parade and some street performers. I had difficulty getting into a suitable location and my best chance was spoilt somewhat because someone I know started talking to me and distracted me. I hope to post some images soon. I will add more details too. I have video but when music is used sometimes you can post it and all is well, sometimes you are not allowed to or are asked to remove it if on line. Its very difficult to know what is OK.

I have survived on the beef sandwiches I still had from yesterday and tomatoes. So my food has been easy today.

My blood pressure has been a bit off these past few days but it seems to have settled down again which pleases me.

Its good to take it easy as the next three evenings there is a music night, a one woman show with Pam Ayres and bingo. For my birthday on Friday "My" friend wants to take me to Durham.

I know the city quite well and there's not much I haven't seen by now but if it makes him happy I'll go along with it...he wants to have a tour of the castle but as it has many steps that are also uneven so that may not be possible for me...price wise it is only £5 which is quite cheap for a tour of an ancient monument. Of course if it rains we may call it off.


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