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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Guess What?

I slept, I did some train spotting and purchased some bread/bread buns. That took care of Saturday. I avoided the big annual event held across Europe "The Eurovision Song Contest" I have heard the winning song and seen the winning contestant...not impressed with either but the trending on Twitter suggests it was the one most wanted to win who voted.

I can't decide if this was because it was the best song of the bunch. Were the rest so poor? The suggestion is that it may have been chosen to cause controversy. Why? Because it was performed by a bearded drag queen. That's all I know. It has caused some difficulty because the media seems to be having difficulty which term to use "He" or "She" I have not seen any reference as to whether the singer is gay and unlike a performer many years ago this person is not transgender where you do use a specific reference to being a "He" or "She"

I also understand that the beard is not real but make up or paint is used, you'll have to forgive my ignorance because its the little I have picked up on the internet and what I have heard on radio news programmes.

I can remember when for decades like many I used to watch the contest every year but now I give it a miss. And not for any of the reasons above. Just generally I often don't identify with the songs that are submitted and I become bored.

I did not eat much yesterday, having a kind of ice cream lolly for my but later on I did have some yogurts, tomato and spring onion rolls, even later some chicken and stuffing sandwiches with wholemeal bread. I feel full so if I stay that way I will wait until this evening to eat again. Unless I have perhaps some kind of treat with a cup of tea in the afternoon. I have some small apple donuts.

I have put 2lbs on but that won't be difficult to shift.

In the early hours I found myself packing all the food into containers ready for this evening so that's another job done. So if I wish to I can relax for the whole day and listen to the radio. Plenty of time for shaving and getting dressed. 


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