An Early Evening On A Saturday...
Unless, out at an event and/or spending money, for many time is spent indoors. And if alone you only have yourself to please.
Its already dark by 8.30pm and Summer is coming to an end. The meteorological weather service says it will be cold this evening so I am under a duvet listening to the radio, dozing and occasionally hammering away on here, it seems the easiest choice and to some extent unless others have plans for me in a way I will be hibernating until Spring comes around.
I have spent some more money than I planned in the last day or two on food and I know in the future I will have less to spend but what I have spent in a couple of days may have to last weeks down the line...but I have found some trout reduced again and I think I can get a number of meals out of it approx £16 of it for £8. I will make some of my own but on offer today I found two haddock fish cakes with Maris Piper potatoes and a cheese filling but they were selling at £2 instead of £3. Twelve wholemeal buns for 59p and a loaf of bread worth £1.50 for 59p.
But I haven't eaten much at all today...but I have not lost my appetite nor am I off my food. I am presently eating fruit pastilles.
I did find some nail scissors and for the first time in my life I purchased some nail clippers for both fingers and toes. All in all quite happy with the result and for all three items I only spent around £1.50. I need all the help I can get to especially make the cutting of toe nails easier as I have great difficulty getting down to my toes.
As simple as clippers are I had to work out how to use them and in the end some nails were so strong(thumbnails in particular)I had to use the toenail clippers instead of those meant for fingernails.
Small things to be happy over, some months ago I mentioned that both my big toenails were discoloured, finally they are coming back to the correct colour and so far no sign of losing either of them. Its taken such a long time
I have not used up my free quota of music with Spotify and have left it too late to get the full 10 hours I am allowed so I am quickly using up the remaining six hours of August before I enter another one.
Some of my delay in using the service is music overload...who to choose to listen to and what type of music.
And I decided in the end on Keely Smith who I only know very little of thanks to some of what I have heard on radio(which isn't that much to be honest)they tend to play the same songs when they do. Often they choose the material she performed with her partner Louis Prima.
So I'm making up for lost time...her most popular period career wise was in the 1950's and 1960's but was probably better known in America. And here I am becoming a fan when she enters her eighth decade. I think I prefer her slower material but she can't really fail with a voice like that and also having such a large collection of the best songs to work with.
The same could be said of another singer we lost in the past couple of weeks Eydie Gormet. Some of our greatest performers are not that well known in the UK.