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Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Missed My Bus...

My own choice...the MC who introduces the concerts at the Town Hall(and I know)came to talk to me in the interval and said he thought the show would end approx 22.30pm so plenty of time to catch the last bus home but the group Prelude were so good I wanted to see the whole show. They kept adding another song, then another the end we were treated to another 30 minutes and they had to be dragged off stage. Once again the club was full and the atmosphere was good again...

I did not want to walk out on them but staying cost me an extra £20(Ouch!)

As concerts there are half the price of shows in the theatres in Darlington/Durham and bus fares are £7 return...these are good value. But because I travel for free and I have paid for a taxi I have cancelled out any advantage.

Its rare and I'll save the expense in other ways...

I'll admit I know very little about the group and their signature song is what I know "After The Goldrush" I did discover that they are accomplished musicians, equally as good singing accapella and have a very diverse range of music. And have been performing for over five decades so...that means they have to be in their 70's. You would never know it as far as their vocal and musical dexterity goes. I feel a bit sorry that it has taken me so long to find out more and appreciate them.

I guess I shall have to do a search on the internet and see what I can find. Its impossible to know all there is to about many performers and genres...there really is something about live music.

I wish knowing that I would be delayed I had taken my camera and asked for a photo to put on my blog.


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