Mixed Feelings...
Today, I am having a tidy around the house and doing small tasks that need doing as my Land Lord(Housing Association)wishes to visit and do a kind of check around the property so even if the furniture is old and the carpets could do with replacing it can still be uncluttered and tidy. If I can stay put next year I may invest in a new sofa, bed and some carpets, I would have to do that anyhow if I was planning on having a lodger share my home. Well, I am taking my time and doing the tasks over a number of days and slowly.
How ironic is this, some smaller properties have become available on my town(not many)but all of them are private and they are only one room less, the trouble is that they are private but they cost more to rent(even if you receive help from the State)than staying put, the difference is that I have to find the extra money if I stay here or they would have to pay more if I moved. Also, I lose the extra security I have by remaining in what is called Social Housing rather than private, it is crazy.
It felt a bit strange but I took some of Mum's personal items to a charity shop. I can't use them and they had never been worn, two pairs of moccasins(one pair in a tan colour, the other in a blue colour)and a lovely pair of shoes I think they are called sling backs they looked as good as new and as though they had never been worn. Worth £95 and Mum must have got them in some kind of sale for around £19.99. So others will benefit. No doubt in time I will take other items.
When I came home there was a letter waiting for me, it was from the funeral company that took care of Mum's and they are holding a Memorial Carol Service in approx 12 days time in an old church in a neighbouring town so although it means a journey and the cost of a bus fare Mum is worth it and though I am bound to become emotional I am going to attend, we can light a candle and place a simple message on the Memorial Christmas Tree.
I have now discovered there is a memorial carol service on my town in my church which will allow the lighting of a candle and a little message placed and there is the chance to have the name of a loved one placed in the book of remembrance too.
So I may attend both or decide on one or the other.
So much bad news in the world, on the way home from the charity shop I bumped into a neighbour on his mobility scooter, he told me he had been to hospital today and had a biopsy on his bladder(his third)and he is awaiting the results, he has an aggressive cancer. His daughter in London(only 57)has had an operation on a brain tumour, they have taken away what they can and she still needs six weeks of radiotherapy or was it chemotherapy I forget.
We may be living longer and they are getting cleverer but I do sometimes wonder when you have to face such worry, what are we gaining?