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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Letter Printed In The Local Free Sheet...

I don't suppose that anything will come of it but I had a letter printed in the local free sheet about the poor bus service my town has since the recent changes is bus routes and the subsidies the bus company gets from the council etc...we have two routes that cut through our town and virtually straight through the middle so most of it does not have any access, they run hourly after 6pm and on one route the last bus only completes 75% of it's route so I would be stranded 6 miles from home.

And the earlier bus probably means you would have to leave an event so soon there is no point going in the first place. And two other popular local towns you cannot travel to after 6pm unless you add another 14 miles to your journey and change buses.
Again, to come home there is a last bus but it connects to the bus that stops 6 miles from you are no better off. This end of the county is badly served but the Northern end has many services running later and travelling further distances...this on top of quite expensive bus fares(still cheaper than taxi's)and soon it is likely free buses for the over 60's and disabled being cancelled/put back so you are much older, people are going to be stuck to a very small area and not be able to socialise. It was said by a politician not that long ago that the bus service in the UK is very poor and needs improving, they've said that for sign of anything happening...


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