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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I Am Worried I Cannot Lie...

 So people think having to take help, jump through hoops and living on state help is easy...

OK all I can offer is anecdotal evidence with the following report but that's all many can whatever side you are on...

So take a look at the hardship of those featured in this report and what they have/are going through...
gloomy emoticon

Work Capability Report

And there's more...OK it is a blog entry but  it makes you think...

Elf and Safety

Now there has been a report on the radio today. I believe I heard that 37% fail...but then when they go to appeal 38% succeed and see their benefit reinstated...What you can do with statistics...the media and politicians usually just quote the first one so it looks bad...

Now who do we believe on this, a Government Minister said that the reason the tests fail are because the claimants arrive without medical evidence from Dr's and Consultants and usually only present it at the appeal/tribunal but seven respected charities and a claimant that was interviewed said that evidence is often ignored and it is taken into the assessments. So who is telling the truth? And you will find examples in the report that I link to above where evidence is taken along but not looked at.

This same radio report highlighted that often due to time restraints it is difficult to get evidence from Dr's and Consultant's in time to accompany the forms you have to fill in and to take with you...Also, some Dr's are charging for writing letters on behalf of patients facing these tests(I believe they said £13)and a Consultant had charged over £200 which when you are on benefits and fighting to keep them and could lose them, is pretty unfair.


Blogger Span Ows said...

What it probably meant was 38% of the 37% i.e. if you start with a hundred people on benefits, 37 have them taken away then 14 people out of the 37 get them back.

22 November 2012 at 17:47  
Blogger Span Ows said...

You on comment moderation now Gildy?

22 November 2012 at 17:48  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I haven't decided Span...I tried it but may decide to go back to the old ways...

Thanks for the explanation BTW.

I'll let this week go and then I will have to contact them about the forms and the medical.

In the meantime I asked for support from my Dr which I have secured but as I say who knows if they take notice of the evidence presented?

If it comes out in my favour, I'll be jumping through hoops again for other reasons so the future is not safe. One step at a time eh?

22 November 2012 at 19:11  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Best wishes then, whatever the turnout!

22 November 2012 at 22:28  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank You, any moral support is welcome...

I have been receiving some information via e-mail about what to expect(but am reluctant to pay £20 to a website for further help)even though it seems genuine and has many charities and others backing it...

Frightening what they say in their free e-mails to me...the suggestion is that if you don't attend the assessment it goes against you but if you use a taxi or bus to get there they can find ways to use that against you so they can trap you whatever you do.

Oh there are so many examples...

23 November 2012 at 07:36  

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