What Goes Around Comes Around...
If I do not spend it wisely and follow all the rules and have receipts to prove it wasn't spent frivolously I will see no benefit whatsoever. And then I have to reapply for help but be practically insolvent. No safety net. If I don't I will still be in that situation but perhaps within 18mths anyhow.
I have talked to the relevant departments and spending is the best of the worst options. So I'm thinking as mobility is am issue and likely to get worse...a mobility scooter(me of all people)decorating of the house all the way through, new lounge furniture, vacuum cleaner, a bed, perhaps a stair lift, carpets, curtains(Perhaps a chair and bed could be more fancy than usual)you know the kind they advertise without a price next to the illustration but are good for you if you have medical ailments. That will see the capital reduce. I'd have liked it there for emergencies, my retirement but its too little to last me for years especially as it will otherwise go on utility bills, rent, council tax and food.
This way I see some benefit.
When done visitors will say "He's doing alright!" But its all cosmetic and none of us know what the future holds for any of us.
I got home on Friday and was quite worn out by the afternoon with my Uncle. I went to bed. I discovered the following day I should've not have been in bed but at the theatre in Durham watching a show I had booked months ago so I missed it.
Saturday, I couldn't get peace so took myself off to Newcastle just because I could(and had a bus pass)There really wasn't that much to do and I did not want to spend money, walk around shops looking at what I do not need, I popped into my first Waitrose and though just my opinion I found everything overpriced and not very exciting. I popped into M&S the following day in Durham and found the same to be true of their food(I haven't been in their food hall in years)The quality is there but I'll only spend it there(again)if certain items are reduced on offer or because the sell by date is looming.
I spent around 3-4 hours in Newcastle city centre and came home, not sure how I filled the time. I did spend a little, came home with some beef mince, bread, strawberries and kale. I came home around 8.30pm and had to wait to connect with a bus at Durham and hang around for almost an hour and though not a busy time that bus arrived twenty minutes late for some reason. People were starting to worry it was not going to show. So I got home around 10.30pm.
Sunday I got it into my head to go and see a Palm Sunday service at Durham Cathedral and missed my bus by 30 seconds and with Sunday service I was going to give up and come home. Then I thought I'd be clever and take a bus to a place called Sedgefield and if lucky connect to another bus to Durham. I did. However, two arrived within minutes of each other and they both arrived after a thirty minute wait. Had they been a little earlier I would've made the service at the cathedral but by the time I arrived in Durham and slowly reached the cathedral the service had been going for over 30 minutes. I probably could've gone into it late but decided not to.
I was quite tired so slowly made my way back to the bus station and found a reduced chicken for five reduced in price(that will do a few meals/snacks and sandwiches)and in M&S I found some casserole beef reduced and if all is handled carefully that should give me approx 7-12 meals for around £1 per day. So perhaps not bad value.
When in Newcastle I came home with some thick Chinese noodles from the Chinese Supermarket, I have been putting them in with my homemade soup to help bulk it up and you do get a lot for 99p.
Sunday evening whilst I can afford to(I hope that I always will)I went with my friends to the bingo and turn night)and I'll never be in pocket but I did win on a Domino card...£20 and that paid for my night and the chicken and beef. I was still out of pocket on the mince, bread, strawberries and kale.
However on Monday at the afternoon bingo with the elderly I spent £6.10(bingo/raffle and taxi home)but won £4 so I was only £2.10 out of pocket. And that £4 was a bit like getting some money back on the food I purchased on Saturday. In the end I broke even I guess.
After bingo on Monday I caught a bus back to Durham and as I traveled there the weather turned horrible with lots of torrential rain, I took a short cut to the cathedral(never again)it wasn't much of a short cut and lots of steps but I had gone so far it wasn't worth turning back. I was "Knackered" by the time I reached the Cathedral. Why did I go?
There was an evening service of contemplation and prayer that has been offered since the days of monastic life. The Compline addresses will be given by the Rt Revd Martin Wharton, former Bishop of Newcastle. Perhaps 40 of us attended and we sat in the choir stalls. It was very interesting and very stripped back without any pomp. An address, prayers and hymns unaccompanied.
I struggled going back to the bus station and it took me at least an hour to get there and I haven't seen the city so deserted. Any resturant or pub was lucky if they had a handful of customers, many did not, newsagents and supermarkets practically empty and the rain just kept on coming. Durham makes its money during the Summer with tourists and light evenings, weekends with the people who go clubbing. I won't be spending money in the pubs/clubs and restaurants, most charge far too much. I can make three or four meals for perhaps a fiver but last night a one course meal was £10.
I did well to reach home and where I went straight to bed and slept. My back had started to really ache and was screaming...reminded me of how I felt when I first went down with kidney problems almost twenty years ago. At least I am managing to sleep. I was going to go out today but there isn't any point. Have done some more tidying, eaten some home made soup and will have some more later. More like a stew to be honest, lots of vegetables and added chicken* and noodles.
I am out tonight, Nothing is free but you really could not have a cheaper night. Usually just a drink, a raffle and nothing more. Tonight a cover charge of £2 and a specific act booked.
*Cheap chicken thighs(six for £3)