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Thursday, March 12, 2015

What A Difference A Day Makes...

Twenty Four Little Hours...Woah!  Lets stop there. This is no song. Yesterday, was a strange one. I tried to pay the TV license and managed to eventually get past all the obstacles on the official website and just as I was about to pay the fee was told that I "Have" to wait 19 days. I am not allowed to pay in advance. Well not that much. I have paid the amount off my credit card and when the time comes around I'll use that amount that is sitting there and its not to find. The same thing happened with my internet provider who said that I could but that I would be better to wait until the end of May(just in case I decide to leave)I only want to pay because if times get any more difficult financially I know that I am alright for at least the coming year.

So when you have can't give it away. I've spent a day working out my finances and with age and health against me...its not good. And likely to get worse. As I don't have a rich benefactor, I'm stuck with it!

I managed to get out during the morning but that wasn't fun. At best it was a fiercely cold wind(I wasn't wrapped up enough  to battle against it)my leg kept locking and took some getting it going again and when I did it hurt like hell. I came home and then the heavens opened, it turned dark and I went to bed. That was quite nice, I was cosy and comfortable. Many hours later except for the concerns of money I felt/feel much better. The rest has helped my leg too.

I think that I shall bother with breakfast today(porridge and fruit)followed by toast and coffee. Perhaps this afternoon I may have sausages, eggs, baked beans, hash browns followed by apple crumble and custard. All quick and easy(If I'd thought sooner I could've thought about a sausage casserole perhaps)

Tonight its "Bingo!" and then upon returning home there is another "Super" Hero film on TV that I haven't seen. "X-Men:Origins:Wolverine" They're all much the same. But it will fill a couple of hours. I'm coming at this late as I often do approx 5 years late. I certainly couldn't afford to go on a regular bases to the cinema so I appreciate the chance to see them on TV. This one is called a prequel. It stars Hugh Jackman(I know the name)nothing else. It could be that even I may decide its not for me.

I'll do a little tidying up as the day goes on but that is probably as good as it gets especially with the horrible weather going on outside(more rain and it looks a bit icy too)

UPDATE:Of course come Saturday Its the Brass Band concert at Durham(Perhaps I should've purchased tickets for the daytime as they do the championships on Sat/Sun)but I'll enjoy the evening.

I've found another occasional music club venue on my town that shares some of the acts I see on a Tuesday at my other club and sometimes they get performers that we don't, must make the effort to go to it soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you not pay your TV licence monthly by Direct debit? I do that, and it makes it far easier to budget, rather than pay out one lump sum each year. :)

Try not to have a half-empty glass view of what the future could bring. It isn't here yet. It's good to be realistic and prepared, but try and balance it by enjoying the present. :)

Down here in the south it's beautiful, mild and sunny and the daffs are out. Hope you get the chance soon to plant out your pansies - plant them soon, otherwise they will start to suffer from being in those trays. They really need to get their roots in the earth and be fed and watered! You don't want to waste your money by them dying in their trays.


12 March 2015 at 09:48  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Quite right :-) I love where you are(that's not putting down areas near to me)

But takes a fair bit of travel time and messing around with bus timetables. I'll see if I can plan schedules better this Spring/Summer.

Wish I was better at working out the measuring of curtains that's something I could be getting on with. I have set aside money for the rest of the rent this year.

I'm still thinking of calling someone in to do most of the decorating and one big job across the house may last me years as I don't smoke. And there are no open fires.

TV License is paid for now(other than phoning the amount in)and I've put the money aside for utility bills/telephone rental and internet payments. Plus the replacement laptop. I've tried to gauge what I need for my weekly bingo and theatre trips for the year as/when they come up.

Everything that comes in to the house is now savings(there for unexpected bills/treats and food)

The essentials are paid for. Should I not spend anything one week I'll roll it over to another week, month or year.

Pansies in hand so to speak ;-)

12 March 2015 at 11:06  

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