Been Spending Money Again Whilst I Am Able...
I missed my bus to the bingo so shared a taxi but on the way managed to buy my milk and bread. In doing so I discovered that a discount supermarket was selling trays of twenty pansies for £2.69 so I purchased five trays later after I came home from the bingo. When you are unable to visit a garden centre and have to use a taxi or bus to get everything home its costs a fair bit or is inconvenient.
The supermarket was at the bottom of my street. So this year, I will have some colourful tubs and a hanging basket potted up and possibly some spare that I can put in the border at the front of the house. I didn't think that was too bad a price for my flowers. If I can find some inexpensive marigolds, Bizzie Lizzie's and geraniums I'm sorted. All I need do then is keep the lawns mowed. I have snowdrops, tulips, crocuses and daffodils that come out annually at various times of the year. Perhaps for the back garden that no longer has trees and to give local wildlife some protection I may plant some easy maintenance shrubs that offer colour across the year.
I looked after the garden after Mum passed away but last year did get out of hand so this year I'll try and keep it tidy and have some colour.
I managed to bring the five trays home by using a shopping trolley and hanging a carrier on the handle of the trolley. I added a little extra shop in my back pack that will keep me going over the weekend into next week. A couple of fancy fishcakes* that I can have with salad or vegetables, strawberries and another vegetable soup mix.
I did have a small win at the bingo but had to share and with taxi fares I was only £2 in profit but that's better than a loss. I haven't eaten much today but I'm fine. I will make up for it today.
I have had another drug added to my prescription(only 18 years too late)whether that is why I have painful joints and an unsteady gate(one leg now shorter than the other)I'll never know. But its a chewy vitamin C tablet with added vitamin D and its supposed to be taken when you take a weekly tablet for your bones.
I've seen another nice doormat I'm thinking of buying for the hall so may decide to get it over the weekend.
My friend in hospital has now been moved to another in the area where he will receive help with learning to walk again. Not sure how many weeks we're talking of and whether when he returns home he will need a stair lift or a lift that goes in to the ceiling from downstairs. If he can become strong enough, perhaps they won't need any. We shall have to see. And we still don't know if he needs referring to another hospital about the problem that put him there in the first place and if any damage has been done. But its all moving in the right direction.
When I came home from my hospital stay eighteen years ago I developed a cough that took ages to lose. Since visiting my friend on Tuesday, I have developed a cold and a cough so though I only walked the corridors and straight to the room my friend was in(alone)I can't help but wonder if its more than a coincidence. My immune system is compromised anyhow and the meds I take play their part so I'm not surprised.
*They come in at around 65p each but when I more prepared I will have a go at making my own again(not that I expect they'll be any cheaper)made by my own fair hands. But I can decide what to put in them and how much of each ingredient.
You can be surprised how much a small portion of food is actually enough to feed well and who remembers the saying "Your eyes are as big as your head!" My friend(in hospital)forgot to eat a little container of tuna meant for his jacket potato.
It hadn't been touched so I brought it home(waste not/want not)it looked quite small but it actually made two very big sandwiches and they were well packed. I can imagine that if you were opening a can of tuna at home and putting it on a plate you would serve a much bigger portion and think that a more suitable amount.
The supermarket was at the bottom of my street. So this year, I will have some colourful tubs and a hanging basket potted up and possibly some spare that I can put in the border at the front of the house. I didn't think that was too bad a price for my flowers. If I can find some inexpensive marigolds, Bizzie Lizzie's and geraniums I'm sorted. All I need do then is keep the lawns mowed. I have snowdrops, tulips, crocuses and daffodils that come out annually at various times of the year. Perhaps for the back garden that no longer has trees and to give local wildlife some protection I may plant some easy maintenance shrubs that offer colour across the year.
I looked after the garden after Mum passed away but last year did get out of hand so this year I'll try and keep it tidy and have some colour.
I managed to bring the five trays home by using a shopping trolley and hanging a carrier on the handle of the trolley. I added a little extra shop in my back pack that will keep me going over the weekend into next week. A couple of fancy fishcakes* that I can have with salad or vegetables, strawberries and another vegetable soup mix.
I did have a small win at the bingo but had to share and with taxi fares I was only £2 in profit but that's better than a loss. I haven't eaten much today but I'm fine. I will make up for it today.
I have had another drug added to my prescription(only 18 years too late)whether that is why I have painful joints and an unsteady gate(one leg now shorter than the other)I'll never know. But its a chewy vitamin C tablet with added vitamin D and its supposed to be taken when you take a weekly tablet for your bones.
I've seen another nice doormat I'm thinking of buying for the hall so may decide to get it over the weekend.
My friend in hospital has now been moved to another in the area where he will receive help with learning to walk again. Not sure how many weeks we're talking of and whether when he returns home he will need a stair lift or a lift that goes in to the ceiling from downstairs. If he can become strong enough, perhaps they won't need any. We shall have to see. And we still don't know if he needs referring to another hospital about the problem that put him there in the first place and if any damage has been done. But its all moving in the right direction.
When I came home from my hospital stay eighteen years ago I developed a cough that took ages to lose. Since visiting my friend on Tuesday, I have developed a cold and a cough so though I only walked the corridors and straight to the room my friend was in(alone)I can't help but wonder if its more than a coincidence. My immune system is compromised anyhow and the meds I take play their part so I'm not surprised.
*They come in at around 65p each but when I more prepared I will have a go at making my own again(not that I expect they'll be any cheaper)made by my own fair hands. But I can decide what to put in them and how much of each ingredient.
You can be surprised how much a small portion of food is actually enough to feed well and who remembers the saying "Your eyes are as big as your head!" My friend(in hospital)forgot to eat a little container of tuna meant for his jacket potato.
It hadn't been touched so I brought it home(waste not/want not)it looked quite small but it actually made two very big sandwiches and they were well packed. I can imagine that if you were opening a can of tuna at home and putting it on a plate you would serve a much bigger portion and think that a more suitable amount.
Great news about the flowers! Get busy planting and be sure to take some photos when you're done! :)
I think I can beat your bargain though. ;) Today I bought 6 beautifully scented yellow primroses, and as I had a voucher off, they cost me just 4 pence! :)
No I can't beat that :-) Just happy that things seem to be falling into place...again. My flowers are just called "Spring" pansies but they should last a long time.
They may turn out not as good as those you buy with only six plants per tray but a couple of plants I have seen that have taken off in the supermarket do have quite large colourful heads. And its colour I'm after.
I'll probably still depend on having someone mow my lawns but flower wise across the year I may've only spent no more than £50 probably less.
Not even £1 a week. Could increase if I find its not too late to buy more bulbs but once planted they return every year.
Keep an eye out in August/September for spring bulbs such as crocus, snowdrops, tulips etc.
You could plant gladioli bulbs now though and they'll flower in July/August.
Also try snapdragons and wallflowers - the snapdragons will last throughout the summer if you regularly dead-head them and the wallflowers will give a wonderful scent. :)
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