Tuesday Was Much As I Said It Would Be...
My friend looks to be improving in hospital and my goodness he's shown determination and strength whilst on the long journey of recovery. The long stay in bed means lots of physiotherapy and it is likely he will move over to a another location for recuperation,
I understand that many meals are brought in to many hospitals(often reheated)rather than cooked as such on the premises and in the media over the years there has been criticism of what is offered and how little is spent on each patient on their meals but I have to say when I last stayed in hospital myself perhaps 18 years ago, I found it was OK.
Today I looked at the list of meals being offered to my friend(3 meals daily)and I was amazed at the choice being offered and the rota of meals, portion sizes, quality etc...I would be more than happy to have them myself. And it would be difficult to repeat any meal over a two to three week period. They even have snack boxes for people who are still hungry or who miss a meal for some reason. Tonight he had soup, jacket potato with butter and tuna, followed by chocolate sponge and custard. Also a cup of tea. Tomorrow I know that one course is a ploughman's salad.
Speaking of food
I enjoyed my home made soup and its so easy I have already prepared my evening meal for later today, it could be seen as a soup or a stew...lots of vegetables and Angus beef. A slow cooker means the goodness remains and you are getting the liquid its cooked in. Generally, I am able to eat well and have enough for around £1-£2 daily(not quite sure what the energy costs to cook it)
As you know quite recently I purchased an egg slicer, a strawberry slicer and was given a cheese slicer even though a knife will work but a gadget is safer. I was thinking I may look for a tomato slicer but they can be expensive or hard to find. Then I remembered if I can be bothered to set it up I have a Mandolin slicer and that will do tomatoes fine. It has a safety feature so I shouldn't hurt my fingers.
If I use a carton of UHT milk I have in the house, I should be able to avoid going out today. I'm only short on milk.
At the music club I probably spent almost the amount the prize I won would've cost me if I'd bought it but it helps the club stay afloat. I won an Easter egg, the other week it was four cans of cider.
I'm going to rest today. Listen to some radio, watch a film perhaps.
I understand that many meals are brought in to many hospitals(often reheated)rather than cooked as such on the premises and in the media over the years there has been criticism of what is offered and how little is spent on each patient on their meals but I have to say when I last stayed in hospital myself perhaps 18 years ago, I found it was OK.
Today I looked at the list of meals being offered to my friend(3 meals daily)and I was amazed at the choice being offered and the rota of meals, portion sizes, quality etc...I would be more than happy to have them myself. And it would be difficult to repeat any meal over a two to three week period. They even have snack boxes for people who are still hungry or who miss a meal for some reason. Tonight he had soup, jacket potato with butter and tuna, followed by chocolate sponge and custard. Also a cup of tea. Tomorrow I know that one course is a ploughman's salad.
Speaking of food

As you know quite recently I purchased an egg slicer, a strawberry slicer and was given a cheese slicer even though a knife will work but a gadget is safer. I was thinking I may look for a tomato slicer but they can be expensive or hard to find. Then I remembered if I can be bothered to set it up I have a Mandolin slicer and that will do tomatoes fine. It has a safety feature so I shouldn't hurt my fingers.
If I use a carton of UHT milk I have in the house, I should be able to avoid going out today. I'm only short on milk.
At the music club I probably spent almost the amount the prize I won would've cost me if I'd bought it but it helps the club stay afloat. I won an Easter egg, the other week it was four cans of cider.
I'm going to rest today. Listen to some radio, watch a film perhaps.
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