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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Last Tidy...

Of the house before house is decorated and carpets/curtains are replaced but that could still be a few months away depending how long it takes to have the money to do the work. Looks worse than it actually is. All in one small corner of a bedroom. A lot has been put in the wheelie bins in the past 3-4 weeks.

And one last dress of my dear Mum for the charity shop. There really is very little to prove that Mum ever existed and was part of my life...Only memories and feelings in my mind and heart. And I fear they do dim as the years pass. I sometimes have difficulty remembering how she sounded and what we talked about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This did make me laugh :-)
A post entitled "one last tidy" and then a photo of a big messy pile of stuff! How is that tidy? It's not the way most people look after their belongings, that's for sure.

Thanks for making me smile, a welcome interlude to all your stressing about the future.

26 March 2015 at 08:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

If I wasn't out tonight and tomorrow during the day...I'd clear that pile...perhaps Saturday. Enforced look out today, I needed a spare Death Certificate and had to part with money. I have part with a lot of money to get Mum's Estate too. I'm applying to see if I can get the fee back but you keep being told different things. According to the booklet with information I get the impression some income can and should not be counted but I talked with the Probate service that takes my forms and they say I have to mention all the income I get each month.

So I have had to go round the telephone lines(again)and ask for letters of proof from the DWP. The council and one other loose end they have closed the account and are unsure if they can open it again and it will take at least two weeks for them to get back to me.

Pity that money seems to be so important. It isn't in that I am more spiritual than materialistically but you still have to pay bills.

26 March 2015 at 15:40  

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