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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bright Eyed And Bushy Tailed...

Woke in time to get shaved, dressed and catch an early bus to the hospital for my checkup with the Consultant...all was going well until the final minute or two. I was asked to have more blood tests taken, he's afraid that I could be starting diabetes. But hoping its a blip and all will be well when he checks the results tonight. There's always something...

Letter was waiting for me from the Dr's surgery where I had the tests taken on Monday telling me to contact them about the results. It was the same news I had been given at the hospital...two bloods had come back ok but the third was questionable.
Update:No one has called back yet(Good Sign?)Tried phoning the Consultant's joy she may've already gone home. Tried phoning the lab at the hospital, didn't expect they'd tell me anything(they didn't)but no results were there in the lab. No word has been sent to the Dr's surgery as yet either. Was told if anything was really bad they keep trying even through the night. Trouble is I go out within the next hour and I am out tomorrow morning early on. I know that I shall be wondering if everything is OK whilst I am...


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