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Friday, March 20, 2015

Still Nothin'...

From the Consultant about my blood tests. I've other worries again...which will have to remain and I can't remember ever saying this before off limits. You won't hear me say that too often if at all.

In the meantime in around 90mins I am off to see a little music show, it only lasts around an hour.

Its been a partial solar eclipse across the UK and most of Europe. Here it was not particularly dark, lots of cloud, I took a chance with a fairly basic digital camera and managed these two images. The best that I could. I was not looking directly at the eclipse and it was caught by looking indirectly at the LCD screen on the camera.

Update:Second lot of blood tests have come back as being OK so false alarm...this time...but seeing my Dr tonight and may suggest having a blood test done every couple of months rather than every 4mths so if something is suspect its caught quicker. He may say its un-necessary of course. One problem sorted, now for the problem I dare not mention. 

That I don't think cryptically can be fixed and the outcome will have me seeing a relative in a different light and that will mean I never will be able to be kindly towards him. I hope I can be proved wrong. If not I will have to try and let go and lose what is to be blunt hatred and hurt. The actions will affect my future well being.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome photos!


20 March 2015 at 12:26  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Saw my Dr I am lucky to have him, he even shook my hand at the end of the appointment and said that he will always look after me and support me. My kidney function had dropped but no word sent to my Dr as yet and happier to hear that the latest bloods were better.

He was genuinely concerned as to what was upsetting me over my relative and understands why I am feeling as I am. Doesn't fix it though.

It really is a case of learning from mistakes(expensive ones)and to use that annoying song from Disney's Frozen...Let it go.

I was surprised to get those eclipse images myself, I took seven and they were the best two.

I was at the music show at lunchtime...I hit all buses there and back like clockwork, It was good but my enjoyment was marred by thinking of what has been upsetting me and wondering how much I should say at the Dr's appointment.

My Dr's appointment was for 5.30pm but I couldn't be bothered to come home to go back out again and he saw I was waiting at 3.45 so whether there was cancellation or not he called me in. I saved shopping time by doing a small shop on the way home from Durham.

In Ferryhill all the shops are close to each other and the buses run every 15 mins during the day. Got some cans of Tuna flakes, chicken thighs, milk and a very cheap watch.

But decided I was tired enough to catch a taxi home, it was worth the £3 I spent. Now going to have a rest, listen to the radio but may get up to watch unless I watch online in bed the continuation of the series Gotham.

Not sure what I going to have for my evening meal. Could be a salad with prawns. Nice and simple. Or salad sandwiches.

20 March 2015 at 17:43  

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