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Monday, March 23, 2015

Home Made Soup...

Needs to be eaten soon...I will have it as a late breakfast/lunch combined...It will warm me up. Tastes better than it looks, I have a little less vegetables in it this time but some chicken there too. This is it in the slow cooker.

Then get ready for the afternoon bingo with my elderly friends. Don't need to shave as I did so late yesterday and whiskers have yet to show. I may get to see my friend afterwards if he's home. He lives over the road from where the bingo happens and should hopefully be home by then(he's at a hospital for a checkup earlier in the day)a big one many miles away in Newcastle.

I'll make certain I catch a bus to the bingo(save money)not planning on shopping at all(save money)use what I have in the house.

I may tidy some more later after cooking another meal for early evening/tea.

I have some TV to catch up on which I did not watch last week. And seeing I watched the series for around six months to suddenly give up defeats the argument and means I wasted my time watching it in the first place. Its the series looking at life in the fictional city of "Gotham" before Batman came to be, its dark, unsavoury and sometimes makes me wince but its well produced, filmed and a quality programme.

I should've taken images of the old police station being demolished sooner so you could see it in stages but I didn't but I did get some yesterday(see below)and when I go for my bus in around 90 minutes I may take some more if the battery hasn't died. I don't really have a reason to go where it is though I could've really as you can catch a bus nearby and board it perhaps one or two stops earlier than where I usually go.

Update:Can't take credit fir the following image but someone else has taken the latest on the demolition of the old  Police Station...

Embedded image permalink

And as mentioned earlier here are the start of my flower tubs but I need to do more work on the borders and lawns, there is an old untidy little tub to be removed later that is still in the image.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flowers are looking good. :)

Currently I have tubs of daffodils and wallflowers - the wallflowers are almost out and when they are, will smell beautiful. :)

Going to plant my gladioli bulbs this weekend. And my first lettuce seeds have sprouted. :)


23 March 2015 at 21:52  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

More flowers still to plant here too. That Police station has been there perhaps 40+ years. I remember the original one, two houses knocked together and I believe the "Copper" lived above the station.

This property was built in a similar style and dark brick like some of the shops in the retail area and they all looked hideous.

The horrible shops came down not that long ago and it opened out the layout, making it more spacious and light and the cleared area was given over to Aldi's. Be interesting if this area is allowed to remain unbuilt on or given a different use. It backs onto a school playing field. And a newer smaller police/fire station is next to the building being demolished. Its a community station and is only open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. We've kind've gone back over in some ways considering how much this town has grown.

24 March 2015 at 02:14  

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