We're all supposed to have that Friday Feeling(Whatever that is)
Well...I feel not exactly happy but then again I don't feel particularly sad. I have the option to go out or stay home. I will probably opt just for an hour's break and go and pay some bills, call into the charity shop, I haven't for months so may buy a Euromillions lottery ticket and am thinking of buying some thermal socks as the weather turns. I have variety of gloves too but I have lost my fingerless gloves that can be converted into full gloves because they have a kind of flap that you can
Tomorrow I may(if I can be bothered)drag myself to the local Railway museum approx 3 miles away as there is an event of some kind happening but I find most events held can be seen very quickly and within an hour and that is at a leisurely pace. In general unless a new locomotive visits or they hold perhaps a charity event at the venue, you are seeing the same exhibits even if they are wonderful. I think there are some people dressed in Victorian costumes and there could be a food event too but I will check later today. I think there is a connection to the film The Railway Children and it ties into the Durham Book Festival that has been taking place especially in Durham City.
But the main event starts next weekend and runs during what I believe is a school holiday week. There are many games and craft making events for children and parents. And it is all for free. Though donations are welcome.
Yesterday my faulty microwave ovens were exchanged/replaced and all seems well. I was asked sometime ago why have two microwaves? Well, the stove takes longer to cook food and in some ways it may need replacing or be too costly to fix/clean up. Though I will probably replace it when it finally gives up the ghost. However, I can make make a meal often in minutes and now these microwaves also over a grill and convection facility they can do so much more alongside the cooker and the slow cooker I have.
For the first time in years I managed to make a meal of streaky bacon and scrambled eggs. Having one I was able to do the whole meal in perhaps seven minutes and no pans to clean out. If I use both I can cut that down to four minutes and both items came out at the same time. Rather than cooking items one ingredient at a time. Allowing for some items to cool down.
I will clean up the cooker as best as I can...the oven is fine as is the grill and make the hobs better than they are but they are kind pot marked and get what looks a bit rusty.
I am taking an interest again. Good food but not necessarily fancy. Often simple to prepare and cook. Not large portions.
So Wednesday went well too. Initially, I wasn't sure it would. I caught a bus from my town around 12.15pm and arrived in the town for the connecting bus but it left 30 seconds before I reached the stop and I thought that could mean I would miss the afternoon concert I was going to see but there was another half an hour later and it arrived with just enough time to walk to the venue but being slow I was cutting it fine.
I saw the local music group "Misspent Uke" Images will be added soon. As always I was given a warm welcome by the staff and Manger of the community centre in Coxhoe. Active Life is charity based but offers somewhere for local people and those in the surrounding area a place to go for social events, exercise, a place to hold functions. It took over the facilities from the council and so far though I suspect it isn't easy it is managing to make a go of it and proving even in these difficult times that such places can work.
I donated a small prize into the raffle, I wanted something else but couldn't find it and time was against me but I won a prize too. A Sunday lunch for two at a restaurant in Coxhoe but I'm going to resubmit into a raffle at my Music Club when they have a night to raise money for the Salvation Army Anti Trafficking Campaign.
I'd like to use it but its for two and you have to travel there and I'm not sure what the buses are like on a Sunday. It will do more good in another raffle and someone will probably have access their own car.
I had some time between the show in the afternoon and the concert in Durham City in the evening so I sat in the kind of foyer area of the centre for around an hour or so and then made my way to the main street in Coxhoe and then caught a bus into Durham.
Got into there around 6pm and took it slowly, called into the supermarket and purchased some items to possibly get me through the concert(some sweets and some cola)I only spent around £2 and came home with some of what I purchased so they lasted more than one night.
Reluctantly, I know I get criticised for this but the evening show ended so close to a bus home, I caught a taxi from the theatre to the bus station and with tip included that's £5 for perhaps a journey that takes a minute. But it was cold, wet, dark and better than waiting for another 75 minutes.
The concert featured Andy Fairweather Low and The Low Riders. Andy is probably best known to the mass public for music he performed 50 years ago as a member of the pop group Amen Corner and hits like Bend Me, Shape Me, Hello Susie, If Paradise Is Half As Nice, High In The Sky being a few.
But of course Andy has done so much more over decades as a solo artist and as part of other bands fronted by many more famous performers. Also appearing on many recordings we would not realise. The members of the Low Riders that backed him deserve credit too, the people they have appeared with is a who's who of showbiz.
I don't have many images of the night because as I have said before, I get a bit touchy about taking images when at a concert. I don't want to annoy others in the audience, most performers don't mind but I get a bit concerned that they may or that the venue may be unhappy.
I probably could get some really good images but I only snatch two or three when I can. Having said that there was a person in the front row taking what looked like some very good pictures and she wasn't stopped or seemed bothered. Two days previously in Darlington a show was delayed because a woman in the front row was continually using her phone and the comedian walked off. I haven't worked out whether she was recording video footage, images or talking on the phone from the newspaper report. The report just said that she was continually using the phone. Also this show was a try out of new material so perhaps the performer was afraid material would be leaked.
I waited until Andy came out into the reception area to sign CD's etc...but had to take a very quick picture over someone's shoulder and a post got in the way but I didn't have to time to hang around or did not want to ask for anyone to move.
We're getting to the time of life no matter how famous or infamous we are, it does not mean we're rich or rolling in it. And Andy mentioned how much he appreciated having access to a senior railcard, making getting around easy and saving money.
Also the older you get you turn up with little or no entourage as you probably did at the start of your career. I was too far away to speak to him but I believe I saw him walking down to and into the theatre(through the main doors)and he was unassuming and to be honest not recognised with a holdall. Obviously musical instruments and equipment were delivered by other means and there was some stock of equipment on stage.
Its a pretty long tour too. Lots of info on Andy's
Many different types of music covered, hits and much more. They were tight. Andy has played Durham before(it appears)and has promised to return but he asked the audience if we'd like him to return and the audience said "Yes!"