After having my flu vaccination at the Dr's surgery, I managed to get a bus virtually straight away to Darlington where the concert with Joe Brown was taking place. All the shops were closed and I had a couple of hours to kill. It probably seems sad but I sat on seat and ate some crisps I had in my backpack and a drink of water. That filled half an hour. Another bus to the theatre and by then it had got around to 6.30pm. They started to open the bars in the theatre but I found an area where there are four seats in a kind of alcove and stayed there until they opened the actual theatre area.
I found when the show started though I was nearer to the performers I had a better view in the area further back as I had been for the previous concerts I had seen recently. I did not bother to move to one of the few empty seats in the Dress Circle behind me but was tempted as though nearer possibly because I am short or (I can't think of the proper word for it)that thing that stops you from falling from the circle to the stalls below actually restricted my view of the stage and sadly the person in front of me was blocking my view so I only saw 75% of the stage. And therefore could only see 3 of 5 the people on stage as during the first half they were all sitting down.
I was thinking of moving for the second half but they changed their positions on stage and were standing so I could see more...
I used my earplugs for the first time and as far as I can tell, my ears are fine and have been protected but I could hear everything as it should be and it did not sound muffled. They were comfortable and really I could not tell that I was wearing any. When you put them in to your ears you feel that they are going to get lost in your ear hole but that cannot happen and unless someone is looking in your ear, I doubt they'd even know that you are using them. They have different settings but I'm leaving them at their highest protection.
I noticed that Joe and the rest of his band were wearing their own earplugs so taking care of their own hearing. When you see my ear plugs you find it difficult to think that with postage & Packing that they cost approx £28 but if they save your hearing, it's worth it!
No ringing in the ears...
So to the concert. As I have said of a few recent shows the one thing that most of these performers have are personality. Many of today's "Stars" never played intimate venues. To some extent in time the worry is that the smaller theatres may close as many like to play the big halls. You know the kind where the performer is so small and you only see them on massive screens. Also, they often have no idea how to interact with the audience and virtually just go from one song to another. But performers like Joe have played large and small venues.
So they adapt their performance and also they talk to you.
What an accomplished bunch of musicians, you can tell quality and this why Joe and the like have longevity.
They switched between songs and instrumentals I did not know to songs associated with Joe when he was at his most popular in the 1960's so we did get a peppering of his hits. We were also treated to a variety of songs that perhaps we may not have expected such as Eric Clapton's "
Lay Down Sally" 10cc's "
I'm Not In Love" Motorhead's "
The Ace Of Spades" The Fortunes "
You've Got Your Troubles" even the U2 song "
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". Some were given a twist that made them different. We had Americana, country, rock, ballads, delicate music played on mandolins and ukuleles, all kinds. I have found out the titles of some of the other songs that were played on the night as many are featured on Joes new album in praise of the ukulele...ELO's "Mr Blue Sky"The Who's "Pinball Wizzard" Chas And Dave's "There's No Pleasing You" "Tickle Me" "Hula Girl""Sea Of Heartbreak"
I have put links to some of the songs in case you don't know them and in one way or another these are mainly the original artists/versions as I cannot find those that I heard at Joe's concert but the nearest is the Ace Of Spades as it is quite close to the one played last night and on this video it features Joe's daughter
Sam Brown so perhaps this is where they got the idea. Sam did have some success a number of years ago so I have added a link to her big hit "Stop"
And yes, he ended by playing "I'll See You In My Dreams" I did get a little emotional but there was something comforting about it too.
Joe said that we were approx the fourth show of the tour but looking at his website we were the eighth and there are another thirty six and who knows others may be added. He must be very thankful when some are held at some venues over a number of days and occasionally a few days hopefully for a bit of a rest because the travelling must take it out of you. Even if you are younger. One show in August, Six in September, Seventeen shows in October, fourteen in November and five in December.
And of course like many performers he does special events and shows in other countries, one of his recent CD's is him playing live in Germany. So I guess they never really stop touring.