I don't do controversial...
I said earlier most of the time I get on with just about anyone and I equally respect as much as I can other views and opinions.
I have never said that I do not accept that climate change is happening but I might argue or disagree what the reasons are for the rise in temperature.
I won't even necessarily disagree that the Human Race does not play it's part in how the Earth's future will turn out but I will say why do we think it is our right to believe that we will always inhabit the Earth. Other species have adapted or fallen by the wayside. And we will not be able to alter the way the Universe unfolds, look at the planets that have been destroyed and what other stars(suns)have done when they collapse. What about black holes?
Whether it happens next week or many years into the future, the sun that gives life will also take it away. If the Earth doesn't cease to be because of many possible natural disasters. Even, the world slowing down or stopping its turning will change things.
When I was growing up and until quite recently I was always being told by scientists and the media that we were heading for another ice age and it was going to get colder and we would all be iced over.
In the 1800's the climate was warmer than it is now and many areas of the south of the UK had their own vineyards(and back then we did not have motor cars or any industries to speak of)so we could not be blamed for the climate then.
So what's this Earth Hour...it's symbolic...You all switch off your lights for an hour at 20.30 local time. But many of those saying they will take part are all seemingly similar, many are young and what I once would have seen in the 60's as those who followed the flower power movement and they use terms like "Awesome!" People are posting images of themselves in daylight(what's that got to do with Earth Hour and others are taking photo's of buildings in darkness which are hard to see anyhow.
Seemingly, many companies or tourist attractions feel(maybe pressurised)into switching off the lights that illuminate their attractions, even Coca Cola are switching off their advertising hording in London for the hour.
But then, they are all going to be switched on again and everything will continue as before. I doubt anyone that lives near me are even thinking of Earth Hour and no lights will be turned off unless people are not at home anyhow. I don't see many sitting in the dark for an hour doing nothing. And if lights were turned out, people will still listen to the radio or watch the tv or use the computer.
Besides, when we go to bed the lights will be off for 6-8 hours so why do we need to switch them out for an hour? If I lived in a location where it is light most of the year and most of the 24 hour period, I would happily leave the lights off.
How long before the street lighting is turned off...there's already talk of some areas of the Motorway network having their lights turned off which worries some motoring organisations on the grounds of the safety of motorists. And yet in my own area they have been re-newing and replacing street lights even installing more than we had before. Why bother, if in time they are not going to be used or turned off?
Also, when someone comes on a tv and radio programme to talk about something and they say "All" or "Everyone" feels a certain way...no they don't, you should say many feel that way...but some of these sites are written not objectively but subjectively because of how they are written.
Who knows where all this will end?
To be fair here are some links to sites supporting the event...
Earth Hour GlobalWorld Wildlife Fund Earth Hour SiteUpdate:I'm afraid the time came around and I only thought about it when it was mentioned on the radio news at 9pm and no I did not switch my lights out.
I also discovered much later that the Earth Hour project is the baby of the WWF(The World Wildlife Fund)