In approx four decades of being able to vote in the UK I have never felt so disillusioned with the result. I am fearful, scared and I don't like the direction my country is going. I don't know if I'm out of step with others, a dinosaur or its down to technicalities of the voting system, the wrong type of people in Parliament. That parties are generally too similar and few if any are offering nothing new,
I want a caring society. I don't see that being offered by the people who make the decisions. I know(and you can call it anecdotal)from what I am experiencing myself and from talking directly with people within my circle and lots of contact with people on social networks.
Many who have voted as they have and its their right to do so I feel are choosing that way because they haven't been touched by adversity and events that can happen often without warning and your whole life can change or thinking about when we they grow older and perhaps financially or health wise it will change the place you find yourself.
I will move on, its still raw, I will attempt to live in the day and hope is all most of us have personally or wider than that.
I do believe that we will see more unrest on the streets if people feel their voice is not being heard and from a variety of sources it is said that 65% of those who could vote either didn't or actually voted anything but for the Conservatives but the splitting of the votes helped secure their success and what will happen in the coming five years.
Now to other matters...I had to get out last night and away from all the doom and gloom. At around 7.45pm I discovered an event was happening in a neighbouring town. I started to get ready determined to attend. Then it looked as though I'd missed the bus and the next would be too late. Then it looked as though I had another way of getting there but again that involved two changes of bus and still meant I was too far away from where the event was happening and would be late again.
At 8.10pm I looked again and found that I could make it. So I quickly dressed and legged it out the door into torrential rain and being slow I discovered I arrived at the bus stop...5 minutes late. I almost gave up and started for home and for some reason decided to wait another five minutes. Buses are are rarely late in the evenings because the roads are quiet and running only hourly they are able to make time up. However, by waiting it did turn up and I was away.
I arrived in Ferryhill approx at 8.55pm and the place was deserted. The rain wasn't giving up and there was no sign of anybody in the market place. Though there seemed lots of cars in the carpark. Even the pubs looked quite empty. So I popped into a shop for butter and potatoes(filling in time to be honest)and thought I'd catch the return bus home at 9.30pm assuming it had been called off.
As I made my way to the bus shelter I noticed some lights in the distance outside the town hall and investigated further. There was the town band playing hymns, a vicar giving a service and what had attracted me there in the first place. They were lighting a beacon in remembrance of the 70th Anniversary of VE Day. One of many being lit across the UK.
My only event connected to the occasion. I am unaware of any others happening on my town or locally. I've heard of street parties etc...according to the media but how true that is I have no idea. There is a concert on TV and Radio tonight in London at Horse Guards Parade but usually they are disappointing.
Anyhow, I stayed and watched the event in Ferryhill(my camera's battery was low)so I could not take too many images and what I did some failed. I had to set the camera so the pictures were light enough in a dark setting but that makes it easy for them to become blurred.
Afterwards and after being quite bedraggled those who stayed behind were offered refreshments and by the time I stayed for that and they closed the Hall it was getting close to the time of the next bus and it meant I did not have to spend an hour at the bus shelter. Also one of the officials closing up had a car and lives in my town so he gave me a lift home which was appreciated and kind.
So here are my two images of the evening...
Getting around isn't easy when you depend on public transport and some towns are virtually cut off. Tomorrow night I have discovered that the Bishop of Durham is attending a church my Father did as a child and teenager in the town of Shildon only 4 miles away but being Sunday the buses out of Shildon stop by 7.20pm and you are stuck. So unless you know someone who will give you a lift in their car, its a taxi job. Even the local train service stops around the same time. I have to decide if its worth travelling there earlier by bus(free)and take a return trip home but it will cost me £7. Perhaps I'll let that event go.
I may feel a bit down but I think I shall try and cook something nice for my evening meal(thinking fish, Jersey potatoes, vegetables)
Update:Glad to say I have slept well and have woken feeling great and upbeat. Fired up to fight the good fight. I guess it was a 48 hour thing.
I have only just found out about a free concert in Durham Cathedral with an RAF band for the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain and I'm trying to obtain a ticket but I fear that I may too late.