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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Where Have I Been?(Part Three)

On Saturday afternoon I attended a kind of class at my local church and I think I was hoping for some kind of comfort and healing of the soul but to be honest I found it a waste of lasted around two hours but as we were only twenty in number, it was going to be difficult to get up and leave.

Not really sure what was actually gained at the end of the two hours.  And though we talked of all the church can be to the community on both a personal and greater good for all I noticed one thing was not mentioned by anyone present..."God" and spiritual well being.

Interesting that "God" wasn't mentioned not even by the vicar.

Anyhow...I found that I felt that I wanted to attend a service on Sunday morning...and guess few if any local churches were holding a Communion service. The few that were you cannot get too unless you can find a taxi or someone to share their car with you. And from my own situation(until I get a mobility scooter)I could not walk to the churches that were holding a service. They are also held as early as 8am. And again public transport on Sundays start so late you miss being able to get to a church in time to attend.

I discovered that Durham Cathedral was holding a sung Sung Eucharist at 11.15am and that I could manage to catch a bus at 9.40am which I almost missed and that would've been that. But the driver took pity on me and actually pulled up(he probably should not have)a few hundred yards from the stop and let me on board)

I managed to get into the bus station around 10.30am and then struggled the steep walk to the Cathedral and I was shattered by the time I reached it. I just arrived with perhaps a couple of minutes to spare. The last part of the walk really is difficult. And again they have a Cathedral bus that runs Mon-Fri but not on weekends when you'd think there would be a lot of visitors. Especially on Sundays.

I didn't feel well enough to take Communion but I was there in spirit and I was confirmed many decades ago. It was an experience that was new to me and something I have never been to before. I cannot tell you how moving the experience was overall with the choir voices soaring around the building and when the powerful organ joins in, its amazing. It was for Pentecostal Sunday.

I have every intention of going again and it would appear it is a regular service. Perhaps I can turn the day into a complete experience by starting at the Cathedral once per month and then people watch or sit by the river and take along a packed lunch and a flask of tea or coffee. Or hop on a bus afterwards and travel to surrounding locations but again I have to allow time to get back here with the limited bus services.

I have a ticket for free concert on June 5th at the Cathedral celebrating the 75th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain and performed by the RAF Band.

Yesterday was a mixed day...I had to get out but with a Sunday bus service(Bank holiday)that was somewhat restricted...I found the local neighbouring town pretty dead to be honest and most people looked miserable...many shops were closed and those that were open to be honest if you shop there most weeks/days there isn't much that you are going to want to buy/spend money on.

Buses were packed but that could've been simply because with fewer buses running they were bound to have more passengers. When they arrived at their destination they just seemed to disappear. I suspect the retailers that were doing the best trade were those selling sausage rolls, sandwiches and takeaway coffee/tea/drinks. Or people going into cafés for something to eat/fill in time.

I(knowing I was going to the bingo in the afternoon)just sat on a seat on the high row(as its called)people watching and I ate a ham bap and drank a bottle of water I had on me. I managed to fill a couple of hours, not sure how and felt quite miserable. That's not me...but there you go.

I played bingo and had a chat in the afternoon...came home managed to have a ready meal which filled the spot and I went to bed and as I said earlier I managed to surprise myself and sleep reasonably well until 5am this morning. Avoiding feeling too down or panicky.

I may go and have a chat with my Dr later in the week. Even if I receive no help, I don't think it does any harm keeping him informed how I am.

Anyhow I shall away because I only have around an hour to sort myself out before I have to disappear and my day of helping my friend starts.

I hope its a good day for all of you that are reading my blog.


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