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Friday, May 01, 2015


And I have three days to do as I please.

No one can contact me and I can't do anything that involves authority figures or organisations because they are closed.

There's a great music event taking place in a coastal town Saltburn on Monday. The tickets are inexpensive but being a Bank Holiday the buses are more like a Sunday Service and I would have to leave early to come home or take a long complicated journey home if I stay. And I still cannot stay until the end.

We still don't know what the weather will be like, not as warm as they hoped I suspect. But hey the afternoon of bingo is still on this Monday and the person who organises it has arranged a "Free" meal of fish/chips and mushy peas before the session so there's my food taken care of for that day. I guess that's Monday taken care of.

And of course Sunday night its the usual bingo and turn. I will therefore get out a little bit.

Did I say I'd paid for my TV licence? Well I have...its done and out of the way and luckily I was able to do it! And today I sorted my internet out. I'm locked into 24 month agreement(with 14 day cooling off period)but I have paid my telephone line rental a year in advance(again lucky that I can)I had a month to run so that's really paid off for 13mths. I saved £35.

Locking myself into the two year deal compared to the deals being offered to new customers who get their broadband free or for half price from my supplier and then pay the full fee(and other providers)I have been given my broadband for free. So across the year I have also saved another £42. I will save that again in the second year too. So that's a total of £78 saving across this year and even if things get tough I don't have to find the money and I have the internet for the foreseeable future. As long as I have a computer that works.

If I change the phone plan I probably could save another £60 over the year(evenings and weekends only)but if I leave it as is I can call anytime, we're only talking 46p per day and I have no restrictions on how much I use the internet. They've said use it. And say I am one of the lowest uses of their service. Even on the first contract I had with them which did have restrictions I never ever came close to the cap on the allowed use.

In theory I could with what I have saved stay as I am or sign up to something like Netflix. But that's for the future. That's a lot cheaper than Sky's satellite platform.

I don't use the phone much and most calls are free especially if I disconnect before 60mins is up, I can reconnect again straight away so that's two good jobs accomplished.


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