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Monday, May 04, 2015

Monday...Its All Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas...

The lunch went well. I'll be OK if I have nothing else to be honest. After paying a taxi home and bingo cards because I had a little win I was £6 in pocket so over the last two days I am £6 up. Had I not shared the "Sticky Thirteen" last night I would've been £21 up. But once again I am not down overall for now.

All I have purchased today is a 6 pint carton of milk. That will last me 7-10 days. Its mostly used to make milky coffee. Since Mum passed away and its not been a conscious decision but I have switched from tea to coffee.

Coffee used to be a drink we had after our evening meal and usually the milk was boiled up on the stove, now usually I just add it to water boiled in the kettle and often have sweeteners rather than sugar.

Now I plan to listen to the radio most of the night and stay relaxed and upbeat. There is a concert on the radio with a Gershwin feel but until it airs I am unsure if I am going to like it because they've changed how the music is to be performed/played.

Update:I didn't like the concert and gave up after thirty minutes, perhaps you had to be there,


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