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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Where Have I Been?

Its a mixture of both good and bad.

My internet keeps dropping out and I cannot decide if its the old desktop I am using(as I still have not replaced my laptop)and that also comes back to not getting the wheels in motion again on sorting out Mum's money...that has been caused in a roundabout way by another hiccup in the procedure but also I decided as May had a fair few bank holidays in the month I would let those get out of the way and also my birthday which is this coming Saturday. But I know that I have to start the ball rolling again much as I wish that I did not.

I and quite an amazing amount of people I know just cannot shake off the final few symptoms of the illness I had at the start of May. In general I have shaken it off and I can breathe quite easily and no wheeze but I just have to make a slight change in my breath in the throat area and I can set away a wheeze and a coughing fit.

I am seemingly not alone...there was a fair bit of coughing and spluttering at the afternoon bingo yesterday. The week before I gave the evening session a miss and I have been told that numbers were down because of people with chest infections/coughs etc...I even missed my music club last week and decided not to go.

I have stayed close to home to be honest and much as I quite like my own company and home...I have been going a little stir crazy. Thinking too deeply about things(politically)also thinking about my own mortality and realising time is moving by too quickly. And though a good sleeper usually and I love my bed. I have found myself waking up in the middle of the night in a bit of a panic!

And I have had to get up...perhaps have a coffee, mess about on here or look for tasks to occupy me in the early hours.

Perhaps I have turned the corner on that again as last night I found I was able to get back to sleep if I woke up troubled and I managed to stay asleep until 5am and I got up had a coffee and I haven't gone back to bed and I doubt that I will now.

I will have a quick tidy around, get shaved and I have to be out by 10am as I am doing my good deed of the day...


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