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Friday, May 01, 2015

Think That I May...

fill in my postal ballot voting paper and send it off later today. I don't suppose I'll change my opinion now.

I'll start my task of chasing up Mum's money after the Bank Holiday weekend. The same with the garden. At least the house is tidy(or will be)I can start filling up the wheelie bin again(nothing is on show)what I have to do is in a cupboard.

I may buy a few more plants for the garden or tubs(thinking)Geraniums. I have grown them before but I can buy 4 for £1.79 and they are well grown.

I will have to sign up for another year of my internet very soon(and I can save a little extra)if I pay for the telephone in advance for the year and I going to see if as a loyal customer they can offer me a deal of some kind.

I have been very good when having my coffee rarely eating any biscuits or cakes but I gave in and purchased some basic favourites to have with a cuppa...chocolate chip cookies, malted milk and custard creams. And if I eat it sparingly I have purchased a supermarkets own brand of Marmite which I quite like on toast. I can't tell the difference, only the price.

I played bingo tonight(but didn't win)I feel quite good. I ate a proper meal when I came in from the club and avoided my original plan which was going to be a quick snack of scrambled eggs.

As I was having to eat my meal and wait for it to be cooked I did watch the second episode of the comedy starring and written by Peter Kay but I missed the earlier political debate with the leaders of the three main parties and to be honest I'm not sure I'd have watched it had I been here. I couldn't be bothered to watch it on catch up and I have heard reports about it since on the radio and no doubt it will be all over the news when we all wake up in the morning.

You'll have to forgive me but I'm enjoying resting lately in my bed. Its comfortable, I'm happy and cosy and its easier to lie down and listen to the radio than just get up and sit in a chair. Of course as Spring turns into Summer or more events happen if health allows I will get back out there and make the effort.

I shall now go away and think about what I should make for my meals this Friday and I may have a couple of items I can take to the charity shop of Mum's again. There really cannot be much remaining.


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