Still Undecided About Today...
Or if I am going somewhere during the day. I am thinking of the coast. As long as I aim to be back in Durham no later than 6pm in case of delays. The weather is supposed to be good all of this week. So I thought, lets make the most of it.
Update:Still here. Slept like a log. Plans? Let go of again...However, I'll grab a light snack, get shaved. Pop out for a shrub at a supermarket near me before they sell out(or I hope that they haven't)as mentioned in the comments section of a previous blog entry. Bring it home and catch a bus to Durham for around 17.40 which will get me into Durham for approx 18.20 and that allows me ages to get to the theatre at the speed that I walk at. Means that I can stop every so often.
The last bit of the walk is a little steep unfortunately, easier going back to the bus station. And I will get my energy back whilst at the play. If its out by around 21.45 I can just about make it for a bus at 22.15 otherwise I have to hang around for the last bus at 23.15 or decide to pay approx £3 and take a taxi back to the station and get home by 22.50 rather than close to Midnight.
Update2:Just as well I went for the bus I planned to...the next one only travels 7 miles up the road and then the next arrives in Durham and only allows fifteen minutes to try and get to the theatre before the performance starts. It could be awkward otherwise. The play ended by 21.30 and at my speed it took me around thirty minutes to get to the bus station(able people probably could do it within ten or fifteen minutes)I had to wait for perhaps fifteen minutes for the bus. Home by the time planned. Painkillers helped camouflage any pain walking to the bus station and home. Also having a rest on the bus.
Sadly the theatre(220 seater)only had perhaps 40 in the audience if that. It was performed by four in the cast and they did very well to hold our attention and were very good. Students from Durham University. Clever use of props...the scenery was sparse but they kept moving various pieces of it into different combinations. I'd kept my coat on(and to be honest)even with a thermal vest on I was starting to feel cold at the end of it.
When I came onto the Durham streets not only was it virtually deserted but you could feel the chill in the air. Time to take perhaps a hat/scarf or gloves if out in the evening from now on. Even at that time many shops/pubs/restaurants were closed and those still open were struggling. Anecdotally, I was doing a quick count as I passed by of customers and the worst I saw was two and the best(only in one place)was ten.
It will be the same in Darlington when I see the Big Band concert on Wednesday night.