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Monday, September 07, 2015

Wow Five Days Have Passed...

since my last entry and I need time to put what I have been doing(possibly adding some images)so later today hopefully this entry will be changed.

Good job I decided to think things over...My bingo club was called off at short notice(I missed the call)used a taxi but returned immediately so I'm out of pocket.

I haven't felt too good so I've stayed close to home and rested in bed. I won't go into detail but I don't feel like eating either. Tomorrow is another day.

Update:I am much improved as it gets late here(around 11pm)I have had a small snack, coffee and meds. Earlier in the day I was so slow and in pain on top of everything else. Tonight I was able to walk to the local Argos and pick up some rucksacks I had reserved. Great quality/great price.

Even earlier in the day I had struggled but made myself go out. Took a taxi to the bingo club and found it had been cancelled so I arrived and immediately came home in the same taxi. Luckily he only charged me £1 for the return trip and had time to bring me home.

To cut the story short the reason the bingo was cancelled at short notice was that some who could run the club were missing but the husband of the person who runs it(my friend's dad)had been rushed into hospital again late last evening so she was not around. She had had to leave suddenly last evening after getting an emergency call at the bingo(there was only me and her there last night too)

The news is though he is unwell there is improvement again so perhaps the hospital stay will be a short one. I have enjoyed I'll admit doing absolutely nothing and sleeping...gaining my strength again.


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