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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Don't Know Today's Plans...

I slept reasonably well but awoke around 4am aware that I have had a troubled dreams(I cannot decide if they were nightmares but I had to get up. And I feel better having done so. After a coffee and a little time online I may try and get another couple of hours before officially rising.

To be honest I slept through much of the radio programmes I was planning to listen to on Bank Holiday Monday. I didn't see anything to particularly to take my interest on the TV.

I spent most of my evening eating ham and Pease Pudding baps(I remembered I had some PP in the fridge)I often forget and it made them a little nicer.

The weather looks quite dull though admittedly its still very early and it could improve as the day goes on. That may play a part in what I do today. If I do go out, tomorrow it may be a day to potter around the garden and home. Or vice versa.

I have found my blood pressure monitor machine again and the few readings I have taken are better than they were when I was taking them earlier in the year. So at least that appears stabilised. Though that is probably because I take water and blood pressure tablets. Even the new statin tablet may be helping(I have been on that for perhaps a month so far)but that could still be too early to know if its helping.

My diet could mean I do not need the blood pressure medication however all my consultants and Dr's say the drug I use is actually protecting my kidneys so it does more than reduce/control the blood pressure so I have to take them regardless.

I'll see if anything happens that I can add to today's blog later, if not I'll see you around.


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