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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Have To Sort Out The Images...

Of my weekend but here's what I have been upto...

Friday I was in the coast town of Seaham. My first visit ever. Its not too far from Durham and not far from Sunderland. The bus I chose also went past an out of town retail park I have often heard of but never been to(still haven't)but the bus picks up and drops off at the place. I may have a look sometime in the future.

The weather was kind and the sun shone all day long but it is a windy location. My bus stopped near to the town's harbour/docks and though a bit of a struggle I managed the incline which took me to a kind of sheltered area that had a few exclusive retail units, a tourist place with lots of images and artifacts of the area and its industrial past(and it also houses a very old Lifeboat)There is a protected Marina, a hidden beach protected from the sea and when its been improved/repaired a walk along a kind of pier(that's not the proper word but...)

Then on the cliffs a little further away from this area there is a statue of a World War One British Soldier. Its impressive and at my local music club one of our performers has written and performed a song about the statue but imagining him as a living person. The song is doing very well and has been recorded by another artist already.

Near the bus stop and not far from everything is a really good frozen food retailer and a "Big" supermarket of a retailer that near here only has small branches so I was able to have both a great day out but then do a shop before coming home. My new backpack really proved its worth.

On Saturday...everything went wrong...the weather could not have been worse. Torrential rain, windy, cloudy skies etc...I was struggling so took a taxi to the bus stop on the town(to save time and make life easy for me)It was late...then at the bus stop we are suppose to have during Mon-Sat buses more or less every 20 minutes. None turned up for almost an hour. Then the one I caught did not connect to another bus so I had to get a later one. But if that was late I would miss the next one to get me to my destination(The Transporter Bridge)Middlesbrough. I made it with minutes to spare. But then the bus dropped me off a fair distance from the bridge. So it was a slow and painful walk,

I then discovered this only available bus had dropped me on the wrong side of the River Tees so I had to go across the river using the bridge that carries cars(not unlike a ferry)I arrived 15 minutes late. I had to wait and hope that I could be fitted into a later booking for the lift to take me onto the top of it and witness the views of the surrounding area.

I was also surprised but I suspect there are less(fewer?)homes near the bridge on what is very much an industrial area(it looked as though some estates were being made ready for demolishment(?)but then you come across a view like this. Some houses actually face onto industrial factories.

Fortunately, it stopped raining by the time I reached the bridge and the skies opened up, we had quite good views into the distance...the rain started again when I came back down to ground level. Remembering the bridge is in Middlesbrough, on the way home briefly in the distance I was able to see the bridge on the skyline in Stockton on Tees from the bus taking me home.

And that makes sense because from the top of the bridge at one point I was thinking, I can see some coloured houses/apartments which I pass in Stockton(in this same image is Middlesbrough's football stadium) and it would appear that is so. That's approx 5-6 miles I assume at ground level but at the height I was on the bridge approx 160 feet(48.7 metres)I was probably seeing much further distance. A quick search suggests you can see approx 14 miles. I realise that I did not get into the winding house and see the engines(if that was open to the public)it would also appear that the lift I traveled in was being tried out and as yet has not officially been launched.

I passed a discount supermarket on the way back and popped in. I found that the cashier gave me wrong change on my shopping and I was £10 down but to cut the story short. They did a cash up and phoned me at home and admitted the error and my £10 is waiting me when I next go into the store.

I wasn't up to going out on Sunday but might've tried if I had remembered about the free day of music in the Market Place in Darlington with an ex performer headlining the event who was once in Badfinger and Mott The Hoople. There were many events going on. Even special services at Durham Cathedral coinciding with the Battle of Britain and soldiers(possibly veterans)were acknowledged and then followed by a march/parade. The weather started off quite good but less so as the day progressed. I think the colder weather affects my health.

Tonight I was at the comedy play performed by an Am Dram group in Durham so its been a good few days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That first pic of yours is stunning. :)


16 September 2015 at 10:12  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you...its difficult to know which images to post and how many I am allowed to without using up the quota that I am allowed. I have heard that there is a limit and at some point you have to pay a monthly fee. TBH I don't know. Should that happen I may have to see if I can find another way.

Its been a quiet week and time for me to look into final tasks in the garden again.

Its become untidy and will take a while to sort out but nothing like it was earlier in the year, a neighbour has offered to help tomorrow but as we are reaching the time of year where everything slows down and virtually stops growing, work carried out will last longer.

And I'll start again in Spring or if the weather is mild do some odd jobs before then but next year.

I say untidy, its just mainly the cutting of lawns not covered in fabric. But most of the back garden as long as the front garden looks OK that's what is seen by people passing by.

I'll plant bulbs probably in November.

17 September 2015 at 12:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roses, geraniums and fuschias still going strong down here in the south. :) Today I took my hanging baskets down and will replace them for the winter period with those faux topiary balls. Hedges have been trimmed, lawn has been cut for the last time this year, and paths have been cleared and edged. :) Just have to plant a few more tulips and narcissi in containers, and I'm done until March. :)

18 September 2015 at 00:04  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Sounds great...I have my fabric down on the back lawns(that will hopefully kill off the weeds/old grass. Going to get some more plants for the containers(and remember to water them :-)

The hedge may be trimmed tomorrow and the front lawn strimmed(weather permitting)Like you bulbs to be planted in the containers which will come up as the flowers die off after Winter.

Even with the fabric on the back lawns I can still put bulbs in the borders and rockery where it isn't laid down. I believe I need one more roll of fabric to finish the job.

I'd do the front garden tomorrow but a neighbour says he'll pop across in the afternoon and do it(he wants to do the back garden too)I should say thank you but if he does the front one that's good enough for me. And he never takes money but accepts drink as in a few cans/bottles.

I can do the back garden in my own time. And I want to get rid of/rearrange my bags of garden rubbish. Some are helping to weigh the fabric down and stop it blowing away. I haven't enough pebbles or stones. Some rubbish has been got rid of.

I was rearranging it today and my two frogs popped out and they have grown since I last saw them :-)

A few days(perhaps a week)will be enough to be on top of it all again. I may still paint the fences if the weather is mild or I may leave that until next year now.

18 September 2015 at 01:13  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The plan has changed(slightly)its rained overnight but there's other days. The plan now? Perhaps to buy refuse and rubble sacks. As I don't need them today(I can wait until the weekend)and stay home. Different weather to last Friday when I went to Seaham. The flu clinics weekend. Not tomorrow.

I may still go through with my plans of travelling to Stockton On Tees recently revamped in the town centre. They have more shops(reasonably close to each other)many under cover(a mall)and a roof over the pavement for those not in the mall. But on a Saturday one of very few towns to have a "Large" open air market.

Not planning on buying anything, just more a case of having a look out.

As its the same bus that goes to Middlesbrough its only feasible during the day as the buses end in the early evening and taxis become expensive. Having said that it is possible to return a little bit later if I take detour and add more miles and time to the journey.

18 September 2015 at 08:19  

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