How A Retailer Can Spoil Your Day...
The taxi arrived on time to take me for my blood tests at the Dr's surgery. The taxi driver as always courteous and helpful.
The technician who took my blood, the same, pleasant and had time for me and if anything was ahead on the appointment time.
This is too good to be true...ahhh, but I had not reckoned on the collecting of my prescription...
I hate naming and's not my style and I see it as taking advantage but what the heck...
Once again, Boots the Chemists messed me around. I've always had good service but this past year I have had enough incidents to result in too many times where there have been hiccups in collecting my medication.
I requested blood pressure tablets 9 days ago. After approx 15 minutes, no joy. So much for having the facility to have items collected on your behalf from the Dr's surgery and ready for collection to make life easier. Blood pressure tablets are appropriate medication dealing with this place.
I have another prescription to collect at the end of the week, let's hope that goes smoothly.
They questioned whether I have to pay for my prescriptions...I explained that I have never ever paid for my prescriptions and not going into detail here I have to sign a box on the back of the prescription form to relate to a particular benefit I receive.
Of late, the definition of that benefit appears to have changed, one box relates to if you are looking for work, another is for those not working(and you are helped because savings are limited)that is as close as I can get to the definition I have always ticked in the past.
I had to wait to sign the back of the prescription form etc...I was told that they would do it but the attitude of the assistant left much to be desired and it was though I was to blame for any mix up and for causing the problems and by her expression, she was obviously disgruntled.
It's not my fault if their system is flawed. The problem lies I think in how they are using a new procedure to log the prescriptions into the system.
You could not have a better and more well behaved customer than myself, having worked with the public and knowing how they can be strange, I am more likely to be on the shop assistant's side but seemingly every time I go into this branch of Boots, something is missing, or the prescription isn't ready and so on.
I am seriously wondering if I will have to take my custom elsewhere and whether I may get better service from another pharmacy. And whether I am hated for doing doing so, I am at the stage where I am thinking of complaining. And hang the consequences. But chances are I'll not bother. The truth, I am concerned at the time trying to sort matters out but I am calm and collected and I just cannot get worked up over such matters. Besides I can moan on here.
The other week I found half my prescription was missing and I'd struggled to the other part of town so I could finish my shopping trip and come home. Finding this out so I had to go all the way back Boots to pick up items they had not given me because by the time I would've completed my shopping where I was now located, they would be closed and the drugs they had not given me, I was about to run out of. Then, I still had to then go back to the other end of the town(at my extra cost)because I was spent energy wise and needed a taxi. I have decided that I will always look to see that everything is there when I collect in future instead of taking it on trust. It appears that prescriptions come in as a batch.
If your medication is spread over a number of prescriptions forms, you'd still think they'd put the prescription forms together with a paper clip or a staple so they know how many items are for you. So one or more items are not left behind.
Yesterday, they kept asking if I had ordered two items(I had only requested one)the mix up after I was home suggests the problem was that I ordered one drug but the Dr's surgery had made the prescription up of two boxes of tablets of different values 4mg and 2mg because I now take 6mg each day. But as they were on the same prescription form and part of the same order, that to me counts as one transaction. So that to me is still an error on the dispensing chemists part. But either way I cannot be blamed for the mix up and how they interpret their stock control.
To top everything off, my mobility has been restricted still further as the ligament trouble really is giving me serious problems and I must try to avoid any possibility of me going onto the ground as I cannot guarantee that I can get up off the floor again. I need to use my upper body and arms to lean or push my the rest of my body to raise myself up.
I am unable to put any weight on my left leg and that means I cannot straighten or bend it with out a lot of pain behind the knee and unless I suddenly feel something move and hear the knee joint move a certain way and it clunks into place I am stuck. What a job I had to get upstairs, dragging myself around and using my arms to get around. I had to hop around.
I suspect that my knee joints which have been swollen and large for many years have resulted in over stretching of the ligaments plus a trick I do to get my hernia back into place does mean that I have to move my left leg into certain positions which I think also adds to the over stretching of both the joint and ligament.
I am resting but even that is not too easy as I am having(I assume its the medication and an imbalance of chemicals in the body)to move around every so often due to various cramp like feelings in my feet and hands. And apart from it wearing off itself, the only way to stop it, is to sit up or move around.
Thank heavens I have nothing planned for the days ahead and if I can rest for the next few days hopefully this will allow for some healing or improvement of the situation.
Makes you wonder what will happen next.
Update:I collected my Prescription today(1st August)and all is well. Straight into Boots and out...
Well, not quite...I have transferred the tablets into a container(each box contains 28 tablets on two trays of 14)and when I came to the last box only contains 14 tablets(though the label on the box says it contains 28)So once more they've got it wrong again. So does this mean that I now have to open each box when I go to collect a prescription?
I will now have to phone tomorrow to see whether they'll give me the missing 14 tablets. I could let it go but then that means that I will be asking for my next prescription earlier than I should and they might wonder why.
(2nd August)Apologies given and they will have the other 14 tablets(when I next go in)They've made a note...They think I was given a split box where it was half full and it had not been marked on the box that it was half full. I might've been more unhappy if I had not had enough tablets to last me to save going out specially but it's not so bad if you can call in as you happen to be passing.