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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can You Hear Me Mother?

It's a minor irritation and I'm going to feel guilty saying this. I love her dearly. Mum is not always able to hear what is said, I expect the same will be true for many of us in the future.

If I don't speak up I have to repeat myself. The drugs I am on can affect the voice so I have to speak up sometimes to be heard. She'll tell me I am speaking too loud. She is the only person to say this.

If I talk quietly, I get tired of having to say it all again. If I can get away with it, I try to give shorter answers to save time but that can make me seem short.

It sounds as though I am complaining but I'm not really...and maybe as and when I improve this will become better.

I know that she doesn't always catch what is said on TV or in a conversation such as today with the Dr's and Consultants at the hospital where I have just returned from and I have to tell what was said whilst we were there.

The results and readings continue to go in the right direction(if slowly)I have not been reduced tablet wise this time but it is hoped that I can reduce the steroids still further at the next appointment. The blood continues to improve. And though I am still losing protein in my urine, I am retaining more in my blood and it appears that is where it should be, they do not like to see it being lost when I have a "wee!"

My Createnine readings have improved too.

Cholesterol is still a concern and a statin tablet was suggested as a solution but when I mentioned my concern that once you are on them, you are for life and I was not too sure I should take them as yet, the idea was not pushed. He also admitted that my readings are coming down and probably will continue to improve as I reduce medication. So a statin may not be required.

It may not be much but I have had readings of 11 and today it was 10.5(OK not much improvement)but it's in the right direction.

I mentioned that I am eating more fruit "Could I over do that?" The answer was no...I mentioned eating Garlic(well, taking Garlic tablets)no problem there. And then I mentioned(see earlier blog entry and newspaper article)the drinking of Green Tea...straight away he seemed OK with that and mentioned it's antioxidant properties and said he had no problems me drinking it. I told him about it widening the arteries after drinking it and that helps clear the cholesterol(I don't know if he knew about that)but perhaps all these measures are having an effect after all.

It certainly isn't having a bad effect.

The only blot on the landscape is that my blood pressure reading was higher than normal. He took it three times.

He said it is nothing to worry about and again, it could improve as my medication reduces and I start to lose weight and hopefully the water retention goes down.

Another reason to avoid that statin tablet a little while longer?

Perhaps there is some benefit in eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, cereal and porridge, chicken, fish and turkey and drinking green tea after all. Having that varied diet. Now, I wonder if I should look into that Beetroot juice? Was I meant to read that article(mentioned in an earlier blog entry)

Now we have an article on the benefits of Black Tea I know my blog at present gives an impression of reading and perhaps believing or becoming obsessed with all these health studies but I honestly do not sit there going over everything. I pick up little bits here and there which suggest I am using common sense. As I always say, it's a case of everything in moderation and if you like something don't denie yourself. I tend to find I do something and then find out official advice agrees with me.

Update:Well you knew that I'd try and buy some Black Tea on my next shopping trip. I can get umpteen Green Teas, varities like Earl Grey, fruit infusions mixed with tea but Black! So I may have to wait until I order online or happen to be in a shop where it's available.


Blogger Span Ows said...

What was that? I can't hear you ;-)

You can't beat 'normal' tea...especially for dunking...(onto next post)

20 July 2008 at 15:19  
Blogger Paul said...

I take Statin's - unfortunately not as often as I should because I seem to forget a lot of evenings. The big downside is that I can't take Statins and eat grapefruit or drink anything with grapefruit juice in it. No big deal you might think except that it was one of the least damaging fruits from a diabetes point of view!

27 July 2008 at 00:13  

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