The Latest...
I risked it, didn't shave and was untidy but I made it within 20-25 minutes and managed to see her for approx 10 minutes before she was taken to the theatre and they allowed me to go all the way to the theatre I even met some of the staff performing the op.
She went in at around 10am and by midday she still had not come out of the op as they could not advise how long it was likely to take or how she'd be(they did say that most people are aware of things after such an op but I decided to come home and do what I had planned to earlier.
I discovered that she was awake in the afternoon and asking for me so if I had stayed...I saw her in the evening and she was a little sleepy by then.
Today, Mum's been sleepy most of the day but she had x-rays this morning but they are allowing her to sleep on her side and on her back(But she always tended to sleep on her left side)though all her falls were on the right side, she cannot manage a walking cane and so far nor a Zimmer Frame, she is unable to put her weight on her legs/feet but I hope that is just the fact it is early days...and when she tries the pain is as bad/worse than when she went into hospital, having said that the painkillers or the positions she is in when in bed she seems comfortable.
Mum ate some of my sandwiches that I took in today(and would've eaten more if she had not had lunch)but liked them better than the hospital food and tonight(as it was still hot)she had some chicken and white wine soup just before the end of visitig hours and I'll take something in again tomorrow.
I went in to the town centre and had a bit of a look around between visiting hours and although millions has been spent on the shopping centre I was just thinking how poor it all looked and how no shop had anything special I thought worth buying and many shops have closed or moved or switched sites. I even walked through the shop I used to work at H. Samuels(Jewellers)and thought how poor it was and it is not anything like I remember it...Mind that was many, many years ago...
The quick Café that sells tea, coffee and Hot chocolate etc...during the week in the hospital closes at the weekend even though people still visit or come into the hospital.
I ended up in the restaurant at the hospital and I had beans and chips with a buttered roll followed by pear crumble and custard and two cups of tea.
As I passed a Bed & Breakfast near the hospital, I suddenly thought it might've been easier, cheaper or cost the same to stay there than using a taxi and travelling between home and the hospital.
Well that's the news I guess and tomorrow is another day...
I hope that I sleep well tonight, I wanted to last night but my legs would not let me they ached all night long and either stopped me going to sleep or kept waking me up.
Thanks for asking after us...