whether I think it really changes anything is another matter...we are living under a democracy but when the party in power is being propped up by another or it has an overall majority meaning there is no compromise and the governing party cannot be held in check, its almost like living under a dictatorship.
At the present time, we are told that although this is one of the richest countries in the world and it is true our lifestyle is better than most and many would happily swap where they live to come here(and I know in reality I wouldn't wish to move)all I hear is that the sick and vulnerable are/will suffer as basic services that make society work are removed and unemployment rises. The help the poorest in society needs is reduced(whether that's benefits/welfare or services)
Many in work struggle and many wages are low. For many all they think about is work. They work long hours, travel long distances and return home and within a few hours are asleep and getting up and doing it all over again...My Father did and I watch people around here, an example being a neighbour who is renting a room(I assume he's not in a position to buy a house or obtain social housing)It may be that he's renting because the work he has secured is in another location to where he would normally live. He goes out at 8.30pm and returns at 7am then spends best part of the day sleeping then goes through the same routine again.
Many who have retired or will in the next few years have seen their pension schemes reduced and yes, they keep putting back the retirement age so you leave your employment later.
I'd hate to be starting out today...Sweeping stereotypical views...maybe. Anecotal...perhaps but I do see it and the media does plenty of this to back up their views.
Today, there are elections taking place across the UK to choose local councils, assemblies and the Scottish Parliament.
Alongside that we have a referendum...the first in something like 30 years(I think the last one was asking whether we would like to join the Common Market)Europe but many argue it is nothing like the organisation we voted to be a part of all those years ago and many people would welcome the chance to vote again as to whether we remain in the market. We have been promised such a referendum a few times but so far it hasn't happened.
The referendum is asking whether we want to vote as we have for decades one vote and whoever gets the most votes wins(First past the post)or where there could be five candidates standing and you put your order of preference, one being the best and five being the worst. If one candidate does badly their votes are transferred to the next worse candidate and so on until one candidate has at least 50% of the vote...
Seems a case of faffing on and in a safe seat such as around here it will make no difference whatsoever as usually only two parties tend to slug it out with each other and one party always wins so its a safe seat so the result would be the same whichever system we decide to go with.
In my area there are no local elections to vote any officials onto a council, all we have is the referendum. I suspect turnout to be low and the votes regarding which system we adopt are not being counted until tomorrow.
Well, by tomorrow we'll know one way or the other.