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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ouch 2!

Did I say that I/we should be more careful?

That plan went out of the window...

Mum's had two falls which gave me a bit of scare but...

I had one too...

Don't ask how but I managed to sit on my chair at the computer and fall off. At the time I couldn't quite understand how or why it happened...

I managed to slow the fall down but twisted/hurt my back, the arm that helped slow me down was injured but has a massive bruise and in the last day or two my neck is hurting and possibly I banged my head on the bedroom wall.

I was trapped for around 20 minutes, trying to move when mobility is a problem and isn't good at the best of times but I was trapped between my bed, the chair and the desk the pc is sitting on and no matter what I did, could I free myself.

It was a bit of a nasty situation.

Oh well, I'll make certain it doesn't happen again.

As to my leg, it is healing up a lot better that I feared.

I sound such a wuss when I think of what others are doing be they as a professional soldier or working for the emergency services...or exploring.


Blogger Span Ows said...

not a wuss Gildy, everyone is differnet and if we all compared ourselves to 'the best' then in fact we're all wusses. I fell off my chair at work once but it was trying to stretch too far to pick up a pen/whatever and the wheels of the cahir shot sideways and crashed into a cabinet leaving me on my side, no worse for wear but two colleagues rushed in as it must have sounded liek a small bomb!

The trapped bit you mention - which I have been in but under other circumstances too - is worse, after realising you can't move/get out/get up the urge to panic is almost immediate.

4 June 2011 at 10:04  

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