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Saturday, May 21, 2011


OK I disappeared again...

Well, apart from looking after Mum, I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself too.

Some months ago it may seem strange but I found myself sleeping on my bed without any covering sheets.

I haven't missed them nor have I felt the cold.

If anything a lack of bedclothes actually means I feel less restricted movement wise.

Also, I haven't strayed far from the house(not that I ever do)and again a lack of clothes is a reason this time...


Approx a week ago I managed to spill boiling hot water from a kettle over my left leg.

You can imagine how sore, red and blistered it's been.

As I look at it now, the red patch is reducing very slowly, the blisters haven't burst(thank heavens)and surprisingly the skin hasn't peeled.

But I have just noticed that the blisters have finally gone.

Now, all I can do is wait and see if I am left with any tell tale scars and/or how long it will be before hopefully it looks as it did before the accident.


Blogger Span Ows said...

ouch indeed, I grimaced when I read it.

Did your mum scold you afterwards?

Not funny!

21 May 2011 at 23:47  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's ok Span ;-)

I was fortunate that it was my leg(skin may be a little thicker)and not another area of my body.

I tipped the kettle onto my bedroom carpet so what caused the scald was the water spreading out, I was actually quite quick getting it back onto the stand...

Note to self to be more careful.

If this seems bad, I was told by someone who sleepwalks, she tried to make a hot water bottle up whilst asleep and spilt boiling hot water onto herself and did require treatment...

Not forgetting the shock that would've caused too.

21 May 2011 at 23:58  

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