A New Report From Cambridge University...
The media and politicians manage to find the extreme examples to support their plans to radically change the system. And arguing over the capital is unfair because to some extent it and similar cities are a special case and perhaps not representative of the UK at large. But it gets the backs up of hard working people because what they hear/see in the media makes them think their hard earned wages and then they feel that their taxes are paying is being wasted.
Is it any wonder that many, rightly or wrongly are becoming angry and having a go at the poor based on what they perceeve the situation to be from what they are fed.
Then we hear them phone into the speech stations who have phone-ins and presenters that wind the audience up.
The truth is many who receive help are working too. Rents are too high even on modest properties and the economy depends on too many jobs paying rubbish wages.
It is a low income economy. Much of the UK economy is dependent on service jobs mainly leisure based. That would be acceptable if the wage was good.
To some extent the Internet could be threat too as more people buy products and services on line(as the companies save on how many they employ and overheads on not needing buildings in every town)so fewer people are going out to work and fewer people are going out to visit and spend in places on the high street or wherever and a report was issued in the last day or two showing how much extra business the Internet is bringing to the UK.
A cap on housing if slight might be workable but if you are "poor"(I don't really like that term)poverty is relative to some extent. But if your income is low a small cut in income will hurt you much more than someone in a higher income bracket. I'm stating the bleedin' obvious.
What doesn't make sense is increasing rents on these properties so the squeeze is coming from two directions which means that families(and single people)everyone really will find themselves struggling to keep that roof over their heads and you know that a lot of properties especially the really cheap ones are often in a poor state of repair in an area that is not very hospitable to having a decent life.
It is more likely to lead to a life that is shorter due to stress or illnesses because of perhaps living somewhere that is cold or damp or an area where you feel unsafe because of violence or some other crime.
This in a country which is supposed to be the fifth richest in the world.
So back to this report from Shelter. They are saying stop worrying about the £400 cap on the help given to many and the expensive properties we keep hearing of...they are saying that many two bedroom properties will be out of the reach of many. London will not be the only area affected even if prices are different.
It is also said that the shadow Government want to force a vote on this issue and may do so in the next ten days. I'm not sure though what that will gain as the Government has an overal majority and have said that nothing will stop these palns going through.
So as I have said before unless there is a switch and some politicians decide to go against their own parties official line the situation is futile.
The Following Links are interesting...Especially the parts where the National Housing Federation is mentioned. They are saying that many families will because of paying rent be finding it difficult to pay transport costs to and from work(or the looking for work)paying their energy bills(one of the biggest energy suppliers is increasing their prices on gas on December 1st)others are expected to follow...and of course food...if they are concerned about the health of the population and what strain ill health puts on the NHS people will buy cheap food which is likely to be what you should not be eating.
All most people want out of life is to look after their families if they are lucky to have one, health, a roof over their head, not to worry about keeping warm in Winter and having enough money to pay the bills.
Housing Crises Shelter Report
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London Housing Crises Shelter
Look Left Blog Part One
Look Left Blog Part Two
Of course I take an interest in events at home and abroad but I am amazed that I have in recent posts on my blog been quite political I try to avoid being so publicly, what do they say about avoiding certain subjects because of the reaction they'll cause...politics and religion I believe.