There has been criticism from those within the airline industry that Governments(with advice from a recognised safety organisation decided to close down the airspace and stop planes flying on safety grounds. Airline companies and airports were chomping at the bit to get back in the air and some even did some of their own test flights to prove that ash that had spewed into the atmosphere from this volcano was insignificant. We were lucky that this was a tiddler, it could've been much worse, there are others and it will happen. Depending on what is thrown out will decide who and what would survive in such a situation. Sulpher Dioxide can do so much damage. One such event happened in 1783 and was spread round the globe.
And even some passengers stranded around the world started to get quit angry and stroppy over the lock down but if one flight had crashed and it was proven to have been caused by this disaster one can only imagine the criticism that would be directed at the airline industry and Governments and what it would cost the industry and insurance companies in compensation.
One reliable weatherman only a few nights ago on his regular radio spot suggested the winds could by the end of this week be blowing the ash our way again.
Some 15 years ago a NASA plane carrying out some scientific tests tried to avoid a volcano that had put clouds of ash in the sky and thought that they had. Later the scientists on board using some very sensitive equipment on board realised that they had flown through the ash.
Later on the engines stripped and checked at great expense(Millions of dollars)and they found parts of the coatings on the parts sandblasted, some debris had melted onto the parts, other parts of the engines were clogged up and so on.
This time we were lucky but there are tales(I'm sure links exist on the Internet if I had the time to look)but the UK has already been affected by such a volcano that blew it's top in Iceland a couple of centuries ago and amongst the many effects 23,000 people in the UK were killed and it was attributed to that event. I suspect that is the same event I mentioned earlier in 1783.
Back in the 1800's around the time Wellington was fighting Napoleon at Waterloo a volcano went off on the equator and for a few years it affected the weather and they say we had no Summer to speak of. And we haven't talked of the event they say will happen(It's just they don't know when)in Yellowstone Park. It's said when that blows most if not all of America will go with it and we can only guess what damage and how much debris that will put into the air.
We can and should try and protect and prolong the life of our planet but it kind of puts into perspective our meagre efforts to cut back on carbon emission when you think what a volcano can put out there. It also brings home what is going on in the centre of our Earth.
But then again out of such disasters when a volcano blows it also often discharges a lot of minerals that "We" Humans use such as Aluminium, Lithium and many more. Lithium which is now used in medicine, batteries, electronic gadgets and much more is in very short supply as things stand...it is said that Bolivia has the most of any country and even their supply is expected to run out by 2015 but for now that coutry is being careful how it sells it and it can just about ask any price it wishes to.
Of course some genuine passengers stranded. Some have been taken in by con artists or companies who have promised to get them home and then let them down or put the prices of accommodation and fares up. But then you get those who have travelled as far as it is possible to do so and they have left their children at home(with family or friends)and the they are filmed crying and complaining that they are unable to get home and they want to see their young children. Or older children are supposedly desperate to have them home.
Well, at least they should be at school and have family or friends to help out and arrangements would be made before the holiday otherwise...why not!
They say "We" British stay calm and collected in a crises but quite often whilst I am sure that many do, we do seem to hear and see the "Nasty" side of our nationality. Though I am sure that we are probably not alone regarding that trait.
It will be interesting to see how we cope with a real disaster in the future(if we survive)
I may come back to this subject and/or add more to this entry as I have heard much more in the last few weeks on this topic and subject on radio and television specials and that includes more information about the origin of our planet and yes, even "Us" humans.
Experts say that some of our composition means that we were probably made of amongst many other elements...Star Dust! I kidd you not.
The Deadliest Volcanic Eruptions