I've been a little that way inclined lately and not been cooking the variety of food that I was(that is sometimes because of my medical problems)that need fixing(I'm not going into that again)but also time.
Having said that we are still eating "Good" food and having a good variety(and that also includes)deserts, puddings and sweets that follow the main course. I eat well but I would not say that I overload with large portions.
I want to get back to eating garlic that I was adding to a lot of my food and I do believe that in general you can get all that your body needs vitamins/minerals/nutriants wise from your diet if you can afford to buy the best. I realise more than ever though that many on low incomes are unable to.
So I do not go along with all the hype that exists around the health industry that promotes all kind of suppliments to improve health and they are often very expensive(again putting them out of the reach of a large proportion of the population)
In fact the people who buy most of these items are probably in the section of society that could afford to buy the food that would do them good(perhaps they have an excuse for not cooking their own meals)and are more likely to use pills and potions and buy takeaways or go out for a meal.
I do believe if you are careful there are some good and worth products out there that will enhance your health, possibly delaying or stablising certain conditions or hopefully stopping certain health problems happening.
But if you look at the ingredients on many vitamins/minerals suppliments some seem to be in all of them, so it is easy to buy one that offers most of everything. Start buying seperate items and you'll really start to spend too much and probably become obssessed.
I don't take many suppliments but even myself I have started to cut back(or will as I finish off what I have in my store already)
I don't know how long the offer will be kept on but a local high street pharmacy has a buy two get one free promotion of such goods. The lowest priced item being the free.
It's tempting to just buy one item but if you are careful what you choose such an offer is worth considering.
Especially if two items you purchase you would do so anyhow. I still take Cranberry extract daily, Garlic capsules and there is enough to last two or three months so thay are good value to start off but the new item I am trying has more than 23 nutrients and it's quite a list...
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Folic Acid
Pantothenic Acid
And as I do have eye problems(whether it helps or not)it also contains Lutien for healthy eyes. I'll try anything. Everything to gain and nothing to lose. And it avoids me having to buy seperate Vitamins like Vitamin C and Zinc or Vitamin B Complex etc...so again you are saving money.
I think(from memory)these cost around £6 but there are 90 tablets in the container so that's only working out at approx 5p each day. It's similar with the Cranberry extract and because of the offer my Garlic is free. The only other tablet I get from a local supermarket if I am in town is Korean Ginseng and that works out even cheaper.
Here's another point about duplication of vitamins etc...Mum has been taking(as advised at the hospital)Vitamin D tablets for her bones. But now she's back to taking Cod Liver Oil it has Vitamins E, A and...D. So she could and maybe should in theory drop the seperate Vitamin D tablets. As they are un-necessary and you may be taking too much if you have both. If she continues to eat well Mum should get most or all of her other nutrients but I've suggested if she takes a Vitamin B complex tablet and Vitamin C with Zinc daily that will give all that is needed.
I don't know if my health regime has helped with my kidney problems but so far it hasn't made matters worse...fingers are crossed as I once again go to see the Consultant later in the week and I have my bloods taken tomorrow and for a few days you always worry a little that all will be well.