On the positive side...and how often can you do this(wealth is relative)
I purchased my supply of vitamins that I was getting low on and the local pharmacy was offering a 3 for 2 pay for two and the third(the cheapest) of what you buy is free!
Well, normally that saving though welcome usually only works out at around £5 for me but I found a new item that I have heard such a lot about but they cost 10.99 each. So I purchased two boxes(that's two months supply. And the other item which last three months costs me £9.99 but technically because the cheapest item is free, that was.
Now depending on how you look at it...that meant that the other two items were reduced to £6.99 each or you could pretend one of those items were practically free if you take the £9.99 off.
I couldn't get a taxi to finish my small shop so saved approx £3 and so when I went to the Supermarket what I had saved on vitamins and the taxi fare paid for the first bottle of Champagne I have purchased n my life. And a bottle of wine.
I have no idea if it is great champagne except the price label says it is worth £19 and they were selling it at £10.
I only purchased one bottle. My main shopping seeing that New Year is just around the corner and shops are closed and I am trying to avoid too many trips away from home I wanted to be sure I had enough bread and milk in the home.
The worst part of the night waiting 40 minutes for a taxi to get home. One lady asked if she could share my taxi(it couldn't be done)if she's lived practically in a road near me possibly but she was on the other side of town and that would delay or make the other taxi's late for everyone else. I don't know what she did but the earliest they could offer her a taxi was roughly the same length of time as I had to wait. I have to say usually they come and get me virtually as soon as phone so when they are unable to they must be busy or having problems because of road conditions.
Back to the vitamins...I've not gone overboard on vitamins and minerals through my life...believing that I should get all that I require in my diet from the fruit and vegetables that I eat, besides it's also a pleasure to enjoy the food that is giving you all that goodness.
But I suppose suffering with various ailments and conditions, you'll try anything. I usually take a vitamin C with Zinc or Vitamin C with perhaps Rose hip, Vitamin B Complex for nerves and the like. The rest are not really Vitamins but may have some vitamins as a by product...Selenium(with A, C and E)which may help protect the Prostate gland, Cranberry to help the Unirary system, Garlic which is good for the blood and possibly reduces cholesterol(which due my medication probably)is high and now a new product that has been doing well in Europe and has finally reached my town which contains Lycopene which is found in Tomatoes. It has been said that you can get more Lycopene in the sauce in a can of Baked Beans or in a bottle of Tomato Ketchup.
However, these capsules contain the equivalent of six large ripe tomatoes. Now it would take some going to eat 6 Tomatoes each day and if you could, it would cost quite a lot more than buying this product. The days I eat any tomatoes in a salad or sandwich I may give these capsules a miss on that day so I don't overdose. After all it says on the box take only one capsule per day and do not exceed the dosage.
Wish they could cure my hernia or improve my eyesight problems...but all these may stop the eyesight getting worse. I should really eat more Spinach and perhaps will introduce it more into my diet in the new year, it has been proven to help with many eye troubles. So what have I to lose?
I am not suggesting that you buy any of these items/products nor am I endorsing them. In fact I may actually be doing myself some harm with some of the items I am taking as some reports that have been published have suggested too much of something can actually harm and even I may think again and reduce or stop taking some of what I have been taking. I still prefer to obtain vitamins and minerals naturally in my food and diet.