Not the most exciting of days yesterday...I found myself feeling tired and "Out for the count!" One of those kind of days. Eventually, I came around and resigned myself that I had to go out and do some business.
The plan was to wait until the weekend but as we were on the last loaf of bread, I shopped today and hopefully can now avoid another trip until next week or the weekend if I can manage to use what I have in the house already or order for home delivery.
The only thing that was slightly different was that some local Authority lorries turned up and replaced some street lighting(and I was amazed how quickly the work was completed)and was surprised that after many decades and all the time I have lived here, they installed an extra one over the road from my home which will offer more light and perhaps act as a deterrent to possible crime but thankfully it's slightly to the left and therefore we will not have it shining directly into our home all night which can be a problem sometimes but it's position is likely to cause such problems for the two houses nearest to it. I had no warning or idea that this work was scheduled or planned.
I managed to get my prescription from the pharmacy with no hiccups today and everyone was polite, it was a pleasure to be served by the assistants and know everything had been processed without any problems...It looks as though they have finally sorted out their problems and know what they are doing.
They had got it right but the Dr's surgery had attached a note saying that two items were not on repeat prescription and that I had to see a Dr to get them(even though I have been getting them this way for over 6 months)and to make matters worse I have no appointment lined up with my Doctor as he knows the situation I am in and is letting things tick over. Worst of all I am about to run out of these items in the next day or two. So I went over to the Dr's surgery.
I need not have bothered...I am still allowed them but suddenly for some reason the problem is that these are not classed as a repeat prescription and on my list I am told and when I next see my Dr he should add them to the list after I ask him to. For the past 6 months when I have been asking for them from the surgery they have been prescribed specially as an acute item. It's pedantic. As they are ordered on a regular bases, why not add them to the list automatically? However, I need not have been in a panic after all.
So a visit I need not have made to the Dr's surgery but it's understandable when there is suddenly a note attached to prescription saying...see your Dr and it's from them for me to be worried.
At least I managed to book my blood test for next week and all the taxi's to get me to the surgery and the hospital to see my Consultant.
I am happy with little simple things. Whilst on my shopping trip I treated myself to some chopping boards that were on offer...3 for £3 in three colours...Red for Meat, Blue for Fish and Green for Vegetables. We don't do much chopping but they may be useful to save using the Kitchen worktops and easy to clean.
Much as I love my plastic storage boxes with lockable lids that I now use in the fridge and freezer to keep food fresher longer and I have been using some small one's in the bedroom to store coffee, tea, sugar, powdered milk and tea bags so I can have a cup of tea or coffee in the night, it has been a little bit of a chore unclipping/clipping each container so today as there is a quick turnaround on using the contents of these boxes I found 6 similar boxes for £1 with lids that come off in one go so I have switched to them.
They are slightly smaller but fine for the purpose but as they have lids that are not see through I have put little labels on the top saying what's in each to speed things up still further. Especially, if Mum comes in to make a drink in the middle of the night.
I also at last after decades I decided for our Coffee to buy some Brown Demerra Sugar(rather than using white sugar)and amazingly the Fair trade brand worked out cheaper. I did not go for a very exotic crystallised version, it's reasonably free flowing and I prefer the taste so I will probably use it in future. Maybe even, using it instead for other uses in the kitchen.
As my fridge/freezer and cupboards are well stocked I have hardly any room to add anything else to my food store so it was a very small shopping trip today which is fine by me. More a case of topping up items that have been used.
I seem unable to grow herbs in pots on a Kitchen window sill and they all seem to be dying off. So I think I'll give up on that idea. I could try growing from seed and have another try(as I have some packets that I can use)but may just buy as and when I need them or use dried herbs...They are not very expensive. I have managed to grow my own water cress. That's really easy.
Speaking of which having just discovered Garlic Bulbs where I can pull fresh cloves from and jars of cloves suspended in brine ready for use. Today I discovered a little jar of Garlic cloves in amongst the herb section all chopped and ready for use...I don't even have to chop or grate it myself. Just add to what I am lazy is that?
It may be a scare story but the drugs I am on to try and cure my condition are very strong and possible side effects severe(Cancer is a possibility and cataracts)so as and when they can they try to reduce or take you off them when possible.
Well, news broke(quite quietly that Statins that have been prescribed and proven to help reduce cholesterol for many people)and was even suggested you may remember for me, there is a suggestion that one particular drug has been linked to causing Cancer and they want to do some research into how safe it is and a leading consultant says that he would not consider taking it!
So just as well my Consultant said I should not take it and that as I hopefully improve my cholesterol will hopefully come down on it's own(not forgetting that I am trying to improve it naturally)with a variety of natural foods including green tea, garlic, beetroot, porridge, fruit and vegetables. And though slight, it has been improving. Now with this news I am happy that I have not started a course of Statins and if it was suggested now I'd probably say no. You have to question was the study group too small, is it that one drug is reacting against another and finally if more people benefit by using it should the few affect the benefit of the greater?
It's a bit personal but I have developed another symptom due to my illness but I think we are beating it. I tried a new product that puts a film on the skin and stops chapping when skin rubs against skin or clothes and its due to a lack of air so you get a bit sweaty. But I'm afraid the irritation and skin was already inflamed between my legs. I had not realised and it was quite bad. So I have been given some cream(that has to be kept in the fridge)and I do believe after 5 days the treatment it is working but reading the leaflet supplied the suggestion is that though I am an adult, it is to cure what is commonly known as "Nappy Rash!"
Hopefully, it won't return but at least it can be got rid of quickly and I'll be ready next time. It's been caused I believe(and again the reason it could happen again)is that the water retention and the hernia being on that side when it drops presses against the thigh. Nice thought...not. But at least that's another problem solved for now.
I do also get shortness of breath when doing reasonably simple tasks. But that could be side effects of medication or the condition.
Cholesterol lowering drug 'increases risk of cancer by 50 per cent' A different take from the BBC...
Cholesterol drug cancer warning