Its Not Looking Good...
My own take is that the Human race has done plenty of damage is a relatively short space of time in the time-line that life has existed on this planet. The elements that came together to create the correct combinations that resulted in the diversity of life and gave us what is required to survive probably was being exploited from day one by any animal one the Earth, only because we supposedly have a brain and are more intelligent than other species(you may disagree on that point ;-) we have managed to do most harm and quickly.
Its not an exact science coming up with a model of how we believe the future of the planet will be. Nature will always toss a curved ball once in a while just to fox or catch you out. It was only a few years ago we were promised that we were heading for another ice age of some kind.
I'm not saying that we should not try and improve matters and save what we can of the Earth but what we do in one area seems to affect somewhere else and that could be for the good or bad of the planet.
The Human race may think it has a right to be here but just as we live on borrowed time individually who said that the Human Race and probably other species will remain here for good? The Earth had many millions of years to get to the point where it could sustain life or we could adapt to live in various locations.
Also, even without the burning of natural substances, seriously all the elements that made coal, oil or whatever took millions of years to build up and become what they did. You take anything out of the ground when it runs out, you find something else that is usable for some purpose but what do you replace it with?
It could be destabilising the world and helping to cause natural disasters, as certain areas in the mantle of the Earth may be weaker than they might've been or put under greater stress.
We all know that our part of the Universe will implode at some point(I'd like to see us attempt to stop that)That the Sun will eventually burn out or blow up or whatever. That a meteorite or Asteroid will probably smash into the Earth causing a catastrophic chain of events. Or perhaps a really big explosion from the centre of the Earth. Yellowstone Park USA is often given as a likely example but there are Earthquakes, Tidal Waves, Hurricanes. All we are able to do is attempt to pick ourselves up and try and start all over again.
And there's some other points that have crossed my mind...
The Earth is not straight on its axis,(Perhaps if it had been one of the poles would've melted even quicker than it has already)withe Sun beating down constantly. The Earth is slowing down, perhaps one day it will no longer spin and will stop altogether.
Its a fair bet that this will also mean that one side of the Earth will be in the constant Sunlight, whilst the other side will be permanently in shade and frozen colder than anyone could imagine. What will survive these extremes of hot and cold? All the stuff sloshing around in the centre of the Earth is cooling down or getting less as it sprouts up the surface.
What effect will that have? Why has the centre of the Earth not managed to burn to the surface or what surrounds it so the Earth collapses? I have heard scientists at a loss to explain what's happening in the centre of the Earth without looking out there in the Universe.
All we can do is live the life we have and try and make our time here as long as possible but the Earth was here long before we were, it was going through its phases and it probably will in the future with or without us.
We may've added to the problem and speeded things up but I suspect this would have happened anyhow. It will heat up and cool down until its very end.
All I can say is try and enjoy your time whilst you are here.
And on that happy note I'll close my blog for this entry ;-)