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Perhaps you'll learn more about me as you read my blog. For anyone who translates my blog using the translator facility, don't forget if you wish to read the comments in your own language to click on the title of the post down the left hand side otherwise they will remain in english. Also I assume that the translation is accurate but I don't know, so please allow for errors.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Apologies for a lack of blogs...

How on earth does anyone manage to write as much as some do. Many are so entertaining and thought provoking. Adding images and captions and so much more. Oh, if only I could learn all that!

One day who knows...

I have already been beaten today by having a hard drive fail(and some thoughts stored there are lost)the subject this time was about our attitude to age. Another I will cover soon takes in global warming(well, I had to tackle that one)Do I believe it exists, can we do something about it?

I'm not sure that I have an answer but I do hope my thoughts are interesting, even if we disagree.

Its come my attention that again some of my regular readers who may like to leave a comment are having trouble doing so even though they are able to leave comments on blogs belonging to my fellow bloggers and I admit to being baffled as to why its a problem here as the settings look the same.

But I say hello to anyone who has spent time reading my ramblings and thank you. To those that I do know that have visited Hi to Raisins, Curmy, Rupe, Mango, Span, Gavin, Augustus, I do hope that I have not missed anyone...Some have yet to let me know that they are reading my musings

Take Care

Gildy xx


Blogger Span Ows said...

Mango???!!! Well I'm sure they all enjoy it Gildy. The settings all become clearer with experience...ahem...but the blogging lark is great fun. I do lots of 'surfing' and there are millions of blogs out there!!! Some with HUNDREDS of comments and some with months of postings and NO (from Australia) had almost no replies in about a dozen posts but had put the blog radio on his blog...(an addition I've been tempted by but don't like the 'look' of what appears embedded in the template) I was there for 3 hours one afternoon because the music was so good!!!

14 February 2006 at 22:33  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

If nothing else this blogging may make things a whole lot clearer of how to learn what can be done on the net. I always wanted a website so in a way this is it ;-)

Ahhh, Mango, well she may leave a comment one day but yes, she does read occasionally ;-)

Another good friend...who used to read my posts about birds(feathered kind)that visit the garden and well, many of us Rupe, Curmy, Neg, Raisins all disappeared to another BBC board when things turned nasty.

We were even invited to some other messageboards away from the BBC altogether. An advantage over there was we could go off topic and even send private messages and now...I wonder how long before everyone blogs ;-)

Well, if they read and leave an odd comment that's something.

14 February 2006 at 23:35  
Blogger Linda Mason said...

Hello GG. Glad to see that you have got blogging. It's the only way to go!

I agree that some people appear to lead incredibly interesting lives and some (mentioning no names but he lives in Spain) appear to be obsessed with debauchery;-) Each to their own.

Your blog will evolve as you get to grips with anything and if you don't know how to do something then ask. I was absolutely hopeless when I started mine but Span and Gavin (little stars that they are) helped and although I don't have flashy stuff like visitor counters, scrolls etc I'm sure I'll get there in the end....if I really want to that is.

Good luck and I shall drop by from time to time.

21 February 2006 at 21:54  

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