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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Much as I try to cut back on how much electric I use, I seem to use more each year. On the other hand I am happy to recycle as much as I can and in reality I buy very little that is over packaged and very rarely is my wheelie bin full or overflowing. Most of the electrical goods I own are used until they are no longer any use and I suspect(sadly)anything new that I may buy in coming months will probably last longer than me.

For a variety of reasons I am unable to get to sites where you can take your recyclable rubbish so when the local authority/council as many across the UK started getting into kerbside collecting of recyclable items I was quite happy to do my part. Its proved successful by all accounts for my location and yet If i take my own street, I can see approx 20 houses(including my own)and yet on average I see only 4 crates put out regularly.

The other problem is that after at least two or three years of the collection being organised whereas other towns and cities seem to take quite a selection of goods to re-use...our collection even though its a large Authority and in the heart of one of the main Members Of Parliament's constituencies...they collect very little.

I can recycle glass, paper and metal such as fizzy drink cans/food cans. However, I cannot put cereal boxes, cardboard or plastic(such as milk bottles)in the crate. If I could add them the main wheelie bin would have very little if anything in it. And this extra amount is not much more.
I do not have a compost heap but practically all the food that I buy is eaten but virtually any waste is eaten by the garden birds that visit so nature is benefiting. I say that its waste but it could be fruit, meat, bread, potatoes, just about anything.

Even a country such as America that gets criticised for being so wasteful there are pockets of people all over the country that do all they can to recycle. I have a friend who every week has 4 or 5 crates or bins which are specifically for certain products. Thanks to the media and the way statistics can be skewed often a whole population can be seen in a negative light and stereotyped. And like me she does all she can for the local wildlife that visits her garden.

I do wonder when some of my neighbours will be chased after for not putting out their crates as I cannot believe neighbours have not got some newspapers, wine bottles or cans to put out. And I understood that if the UK does not reach a certain target which Europe has agreed the Government or local councils will find themselves in effect being penalised/fined and that means in turn further money will be taken from us by a rise in some kind of tax.


Blogger Mister Frost said...

Blimey! At last I have found you, although I am none the wiser as to who you are exactly! Love your contributions to the MBs on Five Live. I'll be back soon...


9 February 2006 at 13:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to tell you about an interesting recycling webby, which quite by chance, I heard about recently on Radio 2..Their aim is to keep stuff out of land fills and find a home for the many unwanted but useful and servicable items we have in our homes..Everything is offered free, no money changes hands and the taker collects.. The organisation is countrywide, but there will be a local branch near you and I think you will find it well worth having a look at their webby..You apply to join the group and once accepted, you can put OFFERED unwanted items onto the site with a brief, honest description and anyone interested emails you with their contact details..You chose one and make arrangements with them to view and collect the item from your home..You then put a TAKEN notice onto the site so that those who were unsuccessful know that the item is no longer available..You can also put notices of items WANTED onto the site and if anyone has one they contact you in the same way ..It is a friendly, helpful and useful site with all sorts of quite amazing items being offered.. will find it

22 June 2006 at 04:10  

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