Where Does The Time Go?
I don't just think about him on this particular date but it is 22 years since my Father passed away.
I would like to tell you some specific story about him but in reality its a collective memory I have of him. Just of him being there.
How much fun he was, how wise he was, his love of music, literature, his sense of wonder of nature and the Universe which he never lost and instilled in me. I know that I was loved and had a happy childhood. How safe I felt. I can remember how close our family was by the fact that he once had to go away for a course to do with his work and this meant him travelling to Derby. You knew someone was missing and the feel of home was so different.
Upon his return, my Mum at that time was working in a rather exclusive local shop that sold(there is no other way of saying it)clothes that were a little bit special and sometimes he'd meet her from work and that particular week he did upon returning home.
Mum has later told me that her boss had seen this and commented that they looked as though they had just been married they were so happy to be together again.
That was only a week, we thought that was too long and here we are 22 years later. I may have my own personality but I like to think that part of him lives in me and how I think and see things. Though, the line ends with me...there are no little Gildersleeves to carry on the name.
His brother passed away within a couple of years of him and I do feel that my Father's passing had an effect on him. They had for various reasons though close been kept apart for various reasons(mainly work)I guess. My Father had wanted to go into Psychiatry originally but as with many families at that time the opportunities were few and then he wanted to go into the RAF but his work in the Railway Industry was considered so important that also came to nothing. He was once asked to work within the church but decided that he was too old by then and to start from scratch maybe would've been difficult. He did however, do some voluntary work helping people in trouble(a bit like the Samaritans)but I honestly am unsure whether it was with that actual charity. So I suppose in a way he did manage to get around to doing something similar to his Psychiatry work.
I would like to post more clues as to who we are and say his name(and some trusted friends do know my identity)but safety first has to be the watch word. At least I have put down a marker and remembered him.
Thanks Dad x
I would like to tell you some specific story about him but in reality its a collective memory I have of him. Just of him being there.
How much fun he was, how wise he was, his love of music, literature, his sense of wonder of nature and the Universe which he never lost and instilled in me. I know that I was loved and had a happy childhood. How safe I felt. I can remember how close our family was by the fact that he once had to go away for a course to do with his work and this meant him travelling to Derby. You knew someone was missing and the feel of home was so different.
Upon his return, my Mum at that time was working in a rather exclusive local shop that sold(there is no other way of saying it)clothes that were a little bit special and sometimes he'd meet her from work and that particular week he did upon returning home.
Mum has later told me that her boss had seen this and commented that they looked as though they had just been married they were so happy to be together again.
That was only a week, we thought that was too long and here we are 22 years later. I may have my own personality but I like to think that part of him lives in me and how I think and see things. Though, the line ends with me...there are no little Gildersleeves to carry on the name.
His brother passed away within a couple of years of him and I do feel that my Father's passing had an effect on him. They had for various reasons though close been kept apart for various reasons(mainly work)I guess. My Father had wanted to go into Psychiatry originally but as with many families at that time the opportunities were few and then he wanted to go into the RAF but his work in the Railway Industry was considered so important that also came to nothing. He was once asked to work within the church but decided that he was too old by then and to start from scratch maybe would've been difficult. He did however, do some voluntary work helping people in trouble(a bit like the Samaritans)but I honestly am unsure whether it was with that actual charity. So I suppose in a way he did manage to get around to doing something similar to his Psychiatry work.
I would like to post more clues as to who we are and say his name(and some trusted friends do know my identity)but safety first has to be the watch word. At least I have put down a marker and remembered him.
Thanks Dad x