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Monday, March 21, 2016

Sleep Really Does You Good...

I was dead to the world most of the weekend to be honest. I don't feel guilty.

I didn't take a lot of "Food" to the club but I have returned with most of it so I can cheat at lunchtime and have some beef sandwiches(or keep them back for a snack)I'm mindful of gout issues so the meat is very thin. I've had porridge and fruit and am happy to have breakfast whether I have it at an early hour or later in the day. They say Strawberries, Blueberries and Blackberries are good for a number of health reasons. I forgot about my bananas. Perhaps later today.

Here's a surprise and it shows how common gout is. Lets just say someone I know quite well was at hospital for blood tests and X-Rays earlier in the week. I am told though the X-rays are not back yet, the blood tests confirmed...gout. Not a "Big" red meat eater nor a "Big" drinker. Perhaps it comes down to another reason. It used to be said rich food was the major reason. Maybe its a medical issue or just the quality of food has improved. We also try more unusual foods as I say later many have moved away from simple foods.

Last century and beyond, the majority of people were probably eating grains, fruit and root vegetables whilst the better off were eating rich foods, meats like game and drinking port etc...also they were probably quite sedentary. The majority of the public were probably working very hard often doing physical work in the fields or in more modern times working in factories and mills etc...

I have another chicken and vegetable casserole ready to go in the slow cooker. I really must think about doing a sweet and sour chicken meal or something that has rice as an ingredient soon. Someone who used to read my blog made home made curries that's another idea, You can eat hot meals at this time of year just need to avoid heavy and large meals.

As the mild weather seems to have returned for Spring I think I really will consider getting back eating salads again. I make what I have go a long way.

I am not so sure that my gout is caused by what I eat that much. It could be a reaction to medication, that sometimes things don't work as they should. And of course side effects to strong medication.

Happily and quite simply I have extended the life of two pairs of trousers that pleases me too.


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