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Sunday, March 20, 2016

It Would Appear There Is...

a bug going around. Yes, this late in the year. A fair few people were missing from an event I was at on Friday. But it went well and was very enjoyable. The gig finished with a great "Americana" Band. I think that's the right term "The Whiskey Dogs" All the way from Hull and Bridlington. That's a fair distance.

I was going to have a look out today and decided against it. I think that was the right decision. I may do the same again tomorrow. Its called pacing myself.

I'll so some washing, tidying and do some meals.

Took a bit of a double take when reading the local free sheet over the weekend. I don't know the person well but around the time Mum passed away not much earlier one of Mum's friends had also passed away with terminal cancer.

He's told me at various times about the problems he and his wife faced and what he has faced since. He has also a disabled/ill daughter and he's told me of her problems(and yes also with claiming state help)I may've mentioned this in an earlier entry. So I won't go over old ground for a variety of reasons.

I was impressed the other week when we talked to see him climbing onto a bicycle. And he had all the gear on as in hi vis jacket and safety helmet. Its not worth going into what his letter was about in the paper but until the last line where his name appeared I had no idea that he had written it but more to the point he is 87 years old. Of course, then thinking about it, it would be so. If my dear Mum was still here she would be 90 years old now.

Is much happening at present? No but I am honestly quite happy. Simple is good.

I would say however(and I know everyone has their own political opinions)but for me the last few days have been interesting, positive, hopeful and also scary in the UK. Some of it is due proposed plans from the latest budget. Some is due to infighting between members of the Government and the implications.

If I started to explain some reading would be angry and disagree. Some would agree and be happy and others would be bored. If I was running a dedicated website and blog devoted to politics and had the time to give, it would make sense writing in great detail. I won't say that I won't at some point in the future but now isn't the time. Because much of what may happen is unknown. Situations are unfolding.

But you know what. Many, many countries are in turmoil and governments are having their own troubles. We are not alone. I do realise that a lot of the media is biased and many things that should be reported are not. That goes for domestic media and newspapers though we are told we have a free press and media.

I also find that the BBC World Service will tell me stories from across the world and I can see its value for others who feel that their own media does not tell them what's going on but to be a genuine source of information the station should also tell some of what is happening here whether good or bad and tell the world. But the recent events in the Government(and I listen a lot)seems to have been omitted.

Therefore I can see(though you have to be careful)the worth of social networks. And when I watch or read the news I don't look at it at face value. I go away and question what I have been told. Just as this blog is my take on the world, often those who report on events, are giving a personal opinion rather than facts. One word can alter its meaning. Its probably always gone on but I do believe its worse now with so much media available 24/7.

On a positive note...Its Spring!


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