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Perhaps you'll learn more about me as you read my blog. For anyone who translates my blog using the translator facility, don't forget if you wish to read the comments in your own language to click on the title of the post down the left hand side otherwise they will remain in english. Also I assume that the translation is accurate but I don't know, so please allow for errors.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Though Criticised and Vilified Somewhat...

in recent weeks on certain matters I have been proven right by playing a waiting game and though in the coming weeks/months things could still go pear shaped some of my worries have been removed. I am not having to pay out a massive fee to the government nor to a solicitor working on my behalf.

In all the time I have written my blog I think I have only refused to publish perhaps 2-3 comments. I work on the assumption if I publish a blog I am fair game for criticism and so comments were published whether I respond or not but you can only be kicked so much. And perhaps a line is crossed so if some wonder what I am going on about forgive me and allow me to moderate. Three unpublished comments in perhaps 8-10 years is not too bad a ratio.

When I started all this some time ago no one could understand why it could not be sorted immediately. The bank to some extent was criticised by those who knew me and those who know of these things and they could not understand why such a seemingly straight forward procedure was taking so long and going to cost so much.

Its very rare I get things wrong when I am dealing with matters. I usually am usually only affected by things out my own control.

There are three possible reasons that come to mind. Maybe four. The rules have changed in general. The bank has changed its procedures. They have decided that enough time has passed by to stop me being affected by the original instruction. The amount they were classing as probate was too low(which we have been saying all along)

This post is a bit cryptic but not to those who were quite strident in their criticism of me and for anyone who has been reading. The criticism was by those who know me elsewhere on the internet or my very small circle of "friends" only on here.

For anyone who believes there are those who watch over us, a certain date is coming around and you do wonder that you are being looked after.


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