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Saturday, December 05, 2015

I Saw The Plays In Durham Last Night...

A small audience. The plays were well acted but surreal and went over my head. The Real Inspector Hound was written by the famous Tom Stoppard.

I was surrounded by people who seemed not to know the protocol of being in a theatre(I think some near me)thought they were in their own homes watching a TV and they kept moving and blocking the view of those sitting behind or talking.

Its a very wild night especially since I got home and its good to be safely at home. However, in amongst all the people going between clubs/pubs and restaurants. Streets lit with Christmas lights, decorations and Christmas Trees at 10pm and street buskers nearby in the entrance of Edinburgh Woollen Mill was a homeless man bedding down for the night.

It could be happening near to where I live but I have only ever seen it in Durham because I have started going there these past few years and often I am there quite late in the evening.

I found my recycle crate missing when I got home form the porch(I don't think I'll see that again)but I have known it be as bad as this before and its never ever blown away or been removed so I am more than surprised.

Update:More later but remarkably the crate has turned up...


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